The Final Battle

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Luke Warm was the last to pass through the portal before Dynamo go attacked and it closed.

“Where is Kane?” Jake AKA The Midnight Wolf asked.

“Something exploded and it disrupted my portal until he pings the device again it is impossible for me to pinpoint where to put the portal at unless I have been there before.” The queen of The Sacred Knights responded

“Well, we need to get back up there then.” Luke Warm said.

“It isn't safe, with the damage the nexus did when it was jettisoned the space station will be bound to fall to Earth very soon. We need to get this ship out of its crash path.” The queen said.

The lander that the team was in was then smashed into by a piece of the nexus crashing to Earth. This smashed off a big chunk of the side of the lander, causing them to fall to Earth's surface. 

When the lander hit the ground The Midnight Wolf climbed out to see tons of debris from the explosion of the space station crashing down and slamming into the Earth, among the rubble, however, there was a large electrical orb falling down among them. “Dynamo, be alive please, I can’t do this without you, Kane, please, you have to survive.” The Midnight Wolf Muttered out before beginning to run in the direction of where the orb was falling from.

The rest of the team saw The Midnight wolf running off and began to follow him. As they reached the predicted crash sight of the orb they saw Dread standing there waiting, the last thing that The Midnight Wolf needed to see, he would have no reason to wait around the potential crash sight if it weren't the one that he was just fighting against falling. Luke Warm began to burn Dread from behind using a combination of the flamethrowers and his powers. Nate ran up and slashed at Dread attempting to slash off his head, but just shattering the blade on his ax. The queen saw this and was immediately worried. The Midnight wolf began to slash at Dread, trying to kill him, but nothing was working. But just then, as all hope seemed lost, Dynamo landed.


As everything returned to my sight I felt the loss of control over my body, but yet I kept moving.

I could almost see everything in a third person like view, everyone moved away from Dread and I leaped into the air and slammed down near him causing a huge electrical surge. This launched Dread into the air and I saw robots and his army coming from every side, my team split up and began to fight them all off. I then charged at dread and slammed him into the ground. I then shot huge beams of electricity at him, he teleported behind me and I instantly slammed my foot into the ground, causing huge lightning tentacle looking things, much like the stone ones from downtown Magnys to shoot out of the ground and cover the battlefield, one of which throwing Dread into the air. He used his own powers to cause an explosion under me, throwing me into the air too, I used my grappling hooks to grab Dread and pull me closer, kicking him in the face, smashing the helmet-like layer over his head, which no-one could figure out how to break before, this left him vulnerable. I then ended up shooting him in the torso like ten times before I blasted a huge bolt of lightning at his face, causing his entire head to be scorched. I then drew my sword, supercharged it and slashed his head clean off. 

I threw my sword to Nate and then launched myself super high into the air and then slammed down causing a humongous electrical blast destroying any robots in the area, and luckily Reaper was still out of range. I then began to zip through the crowd of Dread’s soldiers, killing anything I touched. I then resumed control of my body and fell to the ground when I returned to my friends, everything went dark.


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