The Sacred Knights

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    As I stood up from the ground I saw some man with a big axe on his back in front of me picking up the device that I had from the ground, I dropped it when I was pushed through the portal.

“Ahhhh the second of the twin hyperspheres, with this discovery Talon will be able to save us all from the wartorn state of Aeristar. Thank You, lightning boy.” He said as he examined it. He then walked into some small town that was just a little bit forward from where I was.

I stood up and began to make my way to the town and saw as I was going to it many people walking around, I also saw the man with the axe going up some stairs and into a lab looking building, built into a mountain. I immediately began to run to him, when I got there the door was still open even though he had gone in, I walked in afterwards and began to search for him… I don't know what this device is but clearly it is important and I can't risk it falling into the wrong hands.

I looked around for a little bit longer when I heard a loud explosion and immediately began running to it, it was inside the lab. When I reached where the explosion was I saw Dread standing over some scared old scientist in a mostly metal suit with jet wings, I saw the device and another one that looked almost exactly the same behind him.

“Hand over the hyperspheres, NOW!” Dread shouted very loud.

“I would rather die.” The scientist said and then Dread punched him in the face, throwing him into a big glass container on the shelf with some strange black thing inside of it. The glass container fell and it turned out that the thing inside had some sort of reaction with the twin hyperspheres and it created a medium black hole. Some strange piece of the devices shaped like a mixture of a square and a circle came from each of them toward the black hole, everything was being thrown around in the room, and my electronics began malfunctioning. I saw that the scientist was then thrown toward the black hole, I ran up and tried to slash dread with my sword, but before I could hit him the black hole pulled it away. Soon enough the black hole disappeared, and we all saw that the scientist was on the ground, with the orb things from the hyperspheres floating circles around his right wrist. Just then I saw the man with the axe come rushing in.

“Talon, are you okay, move over shocker I will address your break-in later.” He said.

“Wait, HOW DID YOU ACTIVATE THE TWIN HYPERSPHERES!” Dread shouted just before somehow teleporting away. 

A portal opened and some lady with a bigger axe than the man came through, the axe seemed to have like six crystals in the handle of the axe.

“Queen, welcome, I apologize but the Hyperspheres were activated by a black hole after Dread attacked me.” The scientist said as he and the man both dropped to a knee.

“That is fine, we will find another way, but you, who are you?” The Queen lady asked me.

“My name is Dynamo, your axe buddy forced me through a portal because I had the second thing, I guess hypersphere is it?” I responded.

“Oh, is that so, well where are you from child?” 

“Magnys, why?”

“I will help to get you home but first I need your help… After the twin hyperspheres have been activated, we have only one way to protect this city, You can control electricity cant you, I have been observing you and your friends back in your zone of the world. We need your help powering a machine underneath the city, come, follow me. You to Talon.” She replied as she opened up a portal using some sort of a beam from the top of her axe, we followed her through the portal into some big facility with a weird central jet, it is separated from the facility we are in and instead is in a glass tube in the middle, connected to something else. 

“This is the propulsion activation chamber, once activated multiple jets under the city will lift it into the air, they are powered by energy drawn from blue steel crystals, a crystal that can provide infinite energy if used properly. This will allow us to get the city out of Dreads range, While you all set up the propulsion, I will prepare the warping technology. I will see you all after you are done.” Talon and I walked up to some giant wheel on the wall, connected to a giant energy storage device, The device was then connected to the propulsion jets I would assume.

“Ok, I will get the jets primed, you run on that wheel and run to make it go in circles to fuel this system,” Talon told me, I looked him dead in the eys and then shot a lightning bolt at the device and it automatically filled up all the way. “Or, you know, you could do that.” He then went over to a console and flicked a switch, then going up to another console with multiple dials.

“Come in Queen, we have primed the propulsion jets, just give the word and we will take this city sky high,” Talon said into a headset.

“The warping technology is firing up now, the portal is opened, send us into it.” The Queen responded.

Talon than turned all of the dials to the max and the jets began to fire, as they did a portal opened and we went through it, just to see that we exited inside of a control station inside of a tower that came out of the ground as it was firing off. The city was lifting into the air and a giant portal was formed, which is where it was going to. Once we got through the portal we appeared in what seemed to be some other dimension. It began to lower to the ground and a drill turned on in the centre of it, As we reached some land the drill dug a hole into it, allowing it to set on the ground level instead of it sitting on the surface. 

“Thank you Dynamo, I will send you home now, but here.” The Queen said as she connected a strange device to the top of the wrist of my left gauntlet. “This will allow you to contact us anytime you need to. We owe you some help, Truly I do thank you.” She finished as she opened a portal. 

“Thank you, Queen,” I said as I went through the portal.

“Oh, there you are Kane, thank god you made it, where were you?” Jake said as he ran up to me.

“I have no idea.” I replied.

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