A Call to Arms

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I was confused, what happened in that weird valley, what did that voice mean, veins pulsing with electricity, how, and where am I.

BOOM! I heard a loud explosion followed by heavy gunfire.

"The Blackout Brigade is here, release the guy, let's see what he can do! I heard get shouted, just before the robot that had passed me earlier came back and this time came in and started working at a console, there was only one difference. This time he had wings of shadow.

After about 30 seconds of "him" working a door opened to the room I was in, the robot threw me an assault rifle and said, "Alright kid, let's see how well you can use your gift." I was confused.

As he said that I felt it again, the same shock from the night before, this time not only on my arm, but my whole body. This was no coincidence, I knew that much, I still had no clue what it was. That didn't matter though, I can figure it out after the fight is over, now I need to defend myself. I ran outside of the room and leaned against a wall outside of it. I looked around the corner to see what appeared to be an entire army entering the base I was in.

I saw the same guy that was shooting fire just the night before standing there blasting fire at them all, with the robot that gave me the gun flying around and slicing up the soldiers with shadow swords.

I lifted the rifle and started firing, I had to have taken down around 25 soldiers before I saw the robot retreat back and duck behind cover, the soldiers were falling back... Then I heard it.


I heard metal on metal, when I looked back around the corner I saw a man in very large and heavy looking metal armor, with a mini gun. I hid behind the wall again and looked at my gun, there seemed to be a loaded grenade launcher on the bottom, I looked at the armored man and took my aim around the corner. He didn't seem to notice me yet, I pulled the secondary trigger and I saw the grenade launcher, it was different though. It was surrounded by what seamed to be electricity. As it hit a large explosion of electricity killed almost every soldier left standing, I shot the last two down and walked over to the armored one and checked a device I noticed on his arm, it was severely damaged but still seemed to be functional. I pushed a button on it and it launched a grappling hook onto a locker and yanked the corpse at it, seems useful, if I can fix it. I unclipped the straps holding the grappling hook to his arm and took it with me back to the robot and fire man.

"You fought well, I would be proud to have you on our team, and by the way, you can call me Luke Warm, and this is Reaper." Luke Warm (The fire man) said when I got to them.

"What kind of grenade was in that gun, also I would be happy to join you two, the only problem is that I don't have any powers." I responded.

"Yes you do, that was a normal grenade, when you launched it, the grenade was affected by your power, electricity. Here try it." Reaper (the robot) said to me, as he placed a holographic Target on the wall. "Lift your hand and focus all of your energy into it, hit the target."

I did as he said, lifted my hand, focused all of my energy into it and all of a sudden, a bolt of lightning launched from my hand directly into the center of the target.

"Good job, I told you, you had powers, if you didn't you wouldn't be in here, so would you like to join us?" Reaper said.

"Happily, now was that, "Blackout Brigade" the same people that attacked downtown yesterday?" I asked Reaper and Luke Warm.

"Downtown, you mean the terrorist attack from last month? If so, then yes, they are lead by a supervillain that goes by the name dread." Luke Warm responded.

"Oh of course, you do not recall the time between the two events, as you were in a comma the whole month." Reaper stated.

"I see..." I said trying to comprehend what has happened recently.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of time to get to understand it all, just get some rest for now, the barracks are through the last door on the left over there. Until we can make a new room for you, that is where you will be staying." Luke Warm said.

"Ok, I'm going to go get some rest." I said and walked off to the barracks to relax, and ponder what has happened.

The only thing that could come to kind was Jake, what if he died, what if the people I just volunteered to join killed him, what if he lived and joins this "Blackout Brigade", What if he was in that army we just killed, but the most pressing question of them all, what do I do now?

I don't know.

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