The Training

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I woke up and walked out of the barracks. Reaper saw me leave and came up to me.

"Hello, Insert Name Here, how are you this morning. Actually do not answer that, because if you do not feel good this morning that is a regrettable situation, but we must continue about the plan that you knew nothing about. For I must train you in how to use your powers so you do not eliminate your own team." He said to me.

"Ummmm, ok... So what are we doing to train?" I asked.

Immediatly he responded with, "Combat situations, follow me."

So I did just that, Reaper lead me straight to the exact same chamber I woke up in when I first got here.

"Stand inside." He said and I followed his orders. As I entered the door shut and I saw a bright flash, just before appearing in that valley again, only this time Reaper was there as well, and seemingly someone else that I just saw dip behind a boulder on the side, but I couldn't be sure so I ignored it.

Reaper created multiple holographic targets while we were in this weird simulation world, Everytime telling me to use my powers to strike them all down.

This process went on for several hours, one a day for a whole month.

Half way through we learned that I can use my powers much more effectively when channeling them through some sort of object. So Reaper walked into my room in the base while I was training and put in a high tech work station, one that will help me make weapons and armor if I need to.

I eventually made a sword and a few guns: an assault rifle, a shotgun, and two pistols. All of these are for me to channel my powers through, another quarter through the training month I came up with a good alias for me, Dynamo, it has a nice ring to it, at least I would say so.

During the training I learned more about my powers, I can not only shoot lightning bolts from my weapons, and somewhat my hands, but I can also summon lightning bolts from the sky and I can also create a whip made of pure lightning from my hand.

I though that was all, but I over heard Luke Warm and Reaper talking about some hidden powers they can't seem to figure out how I can activate them, it all seems to be linked to stress level, but they tried stressing me out, nothing happened, they tried keeping me extra calm, nothing new... So it would seem that until the time is right I will continue to have some untapped potential.

After the month I designed a simple suit that had the grappling hook I had found on the juggernaut during the raid integrated into the arm. I also made an exosuit style wingsuit for transportation assistance, now it is time to defend what is right.

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