The Shadow Claw

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I got out of the truck and made my way inside the house, recollecting on what had just happened.

I would have been a goner if it weren't for Kane.

My leg, what made it better, a blessing, a miracle, I couldn't know.

What was that thing that had just attacked us?

How did we escape that building using a small plank side by side, something about that definitely didn't make sense to me.

Who was that fire controlling man anyway.

How was the other one controlling metal.

Why we're two of those shards that flew at us glowing blue.

None of these questions had answers but I . . . I know where I can search for them . . . I got into my car and drove downtown, back to where it all went down.

When I got there I parked and got out, there was some sort of strange metal tentacle looking thing that seems to have smashed through many buildings. I crossed underneath one part of it. As I passed by it I came into contact with it, immediately as I did I felt something was . . . wrong . . . I lifted up the arm that came into contact with it. It was wrapped in some sort of spiraling shadow that slowly continued to travel along my arm and up to my torso. Shadow like claws appeared on the edge of my fingers, they began to fissel, just before fully disappearing with a flash.

I need help, I need to call Kane.


I was laying here for such a long time, pondering on what had happened today, until . . . Ring Ring Ring.

I grabbed my phone and saw that Jake was calling me, odd, it's midnight, where could he possibly be right now.

"Hello." I stated.

"Kane . . . I . . . Need your help . . . Downtown . . . Claws." Jake said sounding like he was freaking out over something.

"I'm on my way hold on, send me your GPS location." I responded, scared for him, downtown, where everything just went down under 3 hours ago.

I immediately got into my truck and drove towards the signal, as I turned a corner I saw some giant metallic tentacle looking thing. I didn't have enough time to stop, I crashed into the tentacle structure. My truck got totalled, I got out, I was just a few blocks away, I can run there.

When I got to the location marked by his GPS I could hear him yell to me. I turned to see where his voice came from and saw him sitting against a wall inside of a destroyed building, both of his arms were completely surrounded by shadow, he lfted his hand and as he did something dark flew at me, he seemed just as surprised as me, it must be unintentional, Jake and I are best friends he would never try to kill me. I lifted my arms in an attempt to block it, a flash of light and everything was gone.

I was in a valley, surrounded by a horrible thunder storm, with a random noise repeating . . . Wait, no, that noise it's words, the words said, "Bringer of power, powered by fate, veins pulsing with electricity, what will you do next . . . ?" After I figured out what it said, another flash . . . I woke up in some sort of chamber, a robot walked by the entry to the room I could see through a big window... What is happening today?

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