Authors Note

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So this is how the X Reader works:

1st. When there is a blank(____) you must fill in your name. Now because of the way I chose to write this X Reader you have to make your name a state in the U.S

2nd. e/c means eye color (you can just pick that I don't really care).

3rd. h/c means hair color (again I don't really care)

4th. f/c means favorite color.

5th. Re/C meams Religion Choice (other than Christianity [sorry, just go with it, it'll make more sense when you get to that part])

6th. RN means Random Name. Be creative! (then again I guess it doesn't really matter since anyone you give a name to is bound to die . Just Kidding)

7th. O&Y older or younger. Usually after this you will see a random number choice (choose wisely)

8th. Gen. Gender. Depending on the situation you can use words like sister, brother, mom, dad etc.

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