Part 1

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"You're pouting."

"I'm not." Stevie insisted, crossing her arms. 

She had asked for a break, because she was getting frustrated with herself, her band and Dave Stewart as well, whom she had chosen as the producer for her new solo album. She was stuck. She loved the song, she loved the way it sounded in her head, but she was struggling to find a way to express it in words. 

"We can move on, Stevie. We'll come back to Soldier's Angel another day." Dave suggested, slumping down on a chair beside her. 

"It doesn't matter if we return to the song another day, I still won't know what to do with it." She shrugged, reaching for a glass of iced tea. "I'm stuck, Dave, and it bothers the hell out of me." Sighing heavily, Stevie ran a hand through her hair, before she took a hair tie and gathered it all in a pony tail. "And it matters a lot to me, I want it to sound perfect."

"There's no such thing as perfect." Dave told her, folding his arms over his chest. "You're obsessing."

"Even if I am. It's my song, it's my album. It's important to me. As my producer, you should be more supportive." She glared at him. 

They sat in silence for a few minutes, then Stevie exhaled heavily, apologizing to Dave. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come out the way it did. I'm just annoyed with myself."

"I understand." He said, covering her hand with his. "I get it. This isn't easy. But you can't force it to happen either, Stevie. You won't like the sound of it and you know it."

"I do." She nodded. "I do know that." Cocking her head back, she sighed. Suddenly, she tilted her head down. "How haven't I thought about it sooner?" 

Dave frowned, unsure what she meant. "What are you talking about?"

"I know exactly what it needs." Stevie grinned and Dave just gave her a skeptical look, waiting for her to share more. "Lindsey."

"Lindsey what? Lindsey Buckingham?" 

"No, another Lindsey out of the ten I know." Stevie rolled her eyes. "Yes, Buckingham. Lindsey always knows what to do, when I'm struggling with my music."

"But it's not Fleetwood Mac, it's your solo record, Stevie. Are you sure you want him involved? And do you think he'll want anything to do with it?" Dave questioned and his concern wasn't unfounded. "I mean, it's not a secret, how Lindsey's always felt about your solo career."

"Well, that's true, but he's always loved it, when I asked him for help. I'd like to believe, we've grown up to be able to work together. Besides, it's just one song." Stevie said. "Maybe it would be good for us." She shrugged her shoulders. "Hopefully, it will bring us closer together." She then added, without intending to say it out loud. "I miss him."

"You're talking as if you've already asked him and he agreed." Dave hated for her to get her hopes up too high. He didn't know Lindsey very well personally, but on the few occasions they'd ran into each other, Dave guessed that Lindsey didn't like him very much, possibly because of the fling between him and Stevie. Dave feared that by bringing Lindsey into the process of the recording of Stevie's album, it would only create unnecessary tension and she'd been really happy and excited since they started working on it.    

"There's only one way to find out, isn't there?" Stevie smiled and called out the name of her assistant.

Dave wanted to tell Stevie stop for a minute and think it through, ask herself if that was what she really wanted. However, he knew there was no stopping her now, she had made up her mind and if she wanted Lindsey, she was going to get him.

Once Karen heard her boss' request, she subtly rolled her eyes, but dialed Lindsey's number anyway. "Here." She said, handing the cell phone over to Stevie.

"Lindsey, hey, it's me." Stevie spoke up as soon as Lindsey picked up. She instantly excused herself and left the room, speaking to Lindsey without anyone listening in on their conversation.

"I wonder what they're talking about." Karen said, uncapping her bottle of water. "It's been ten minutes. And Stevie's not yelling yet."

Dave laughed, shaking his head. "I think it's a terrible idea."

"Well, it doesn't matter what you or I, or anyone else thinks. Stevie's made up her mind." Karen shrugged. "One thing I know for sure, this won't be just about one song. She's going to get tangled up in his web of lies again and get her heart broken."

Before Dave could reply, Stevie returned to them, a grin on her face. "Lindsey's going to be here tomorrow night."

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