Part 6

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No later than an hour, the house was filled. First it was Sharon and Lori, who showed up, then came Dave and the rest of the band as well as the filming crew. Lindsey stayed behind, telling Stevie he had a few phone calls to make and he'd come down to join the rest. While the truth was, he didn't want to be around those people much and Stevie knew that. She gave him a smile and said, okay.

"You're being quiet." Lori said as they sat at the breakfast table.

"At least I'm not crying." Stevie replied, locking eyes with her friend. "It was a really shitty thing to say, Lori."

Knowing what Stevie was talking about, Lori gulped and looked away, clasping her hands she rested her chin on them. "I do apologize for that. I shouldn't have said it, the way I did. But Stevie... it doesn't make it any less true."

"Let's get one thing straight. I can handle it, okay? It's my business. This is my record and you agreed to help on it as did Lindsey. That's the only reason he's here. You don't have to speculate and talk behind my back."

"Alright." Lori nodded her understanding once. "And I didn't mean anything by it. You know that I'm always here for you, no matter what."

"As am I." Sharon added, having kept quiet the whole time.

"It's not easy for Lindsey to be with all of you." Stevie said. "This is not Fleetwood Mac, this is my world, my people, my friends. I'm sure he knew he'd be having a hard time with you, but he came anyway, because I asked him to. If that doesn't tell you that he cares..." She trailed off with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I promise, we'll be on our best behavior." Sharon swore, but Lori asked anyway.

"How long is he going to be staying here though?" Stevie gave her a look and remained quiet.

Then Dave's voice reached Stevie's ears from behind her. "So, where's the knight in shining armor? We've got to start working on the song."

She looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes at him. "Not you too, Dave."

"Sorry, love. It's just a joke." He laughed, holding his hands up.

Another ten or so minutes later, Lindsey joined the rest, awkwardly lingering in the doorway. "Morning, everyone." He was greeted with more enthusiasm compared to last night and when he looked at Stevie, she smiled at him softly.

"Come sit." Stevie pulled out the chair next to her. "You must be hungry."

"Uh..." He hesitated, but took a seat after all. "Thanks. I think, I'll just have coffee."

"Are you sure?" Stevie asked, mindlessly covering his hand with her own.

"I am." Lindsey nodded, smiling back at her.

Lori and Sharon exchanged a knowing look. Something had already happened.

"Did you do anything productive last night?" Dave leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, we left all the work for you." Stevie answered. "We just spent some time together."

"Did you at least discuss the song? Do you have an idea of what you want to do with it?"

"We didn't-"

"Actually." Lindsey cut in. "After listening to the demo last night, I had some ideas." With all eyes on him, Lindsey shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "I rearranged some parts of the melody in my head and uh, if Stevie doesn't mind, I could join her in on the chorus."

"Of course, I don't mind. See, this is why you're here, Linds. I knew, you'd figure it out." Stevie said, missing the eye roll that came from Dave.

"Right, so I'm going to set up everything and we can start once you're finished with breakfast." Dave pushed himself forward, but Stevie stopped him.

"You know what? Lindsey and I can do this by ourselves." She told him, seeing his eyebrows raising, but he didn't object.

"Fine." Dave shrugged. "Maybe I should just leave then."

"You don't have to, there's plenty of work on other songs. Besides, you can listen to what we do with Soldier's Angel later on."

Dave didn't like Stevie's idea one bit. But... It was her album, she had brought Lindsey in and he knew, he could never compare to the man in her eyes. So, he just nodded his head and said. "Alright, I'll be around I guess."

Shortly, Stevie got up to her feet and so did Lindsey. He was not going to be left alone with her friends, who clearly didn't want him there. "Come on." She said, holding her hand out for him. "You can share your ideas with me now."

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