Part 7

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"This reminds me of the old days." Lindsey said, removing his headphones.

"It does in a way, doesn't it." Stevie smiled, looking at him. "Even though we were poor and struggling, things still seemed so much easier back then."

"I know what you mean." He nodded his head, his eyes drifting to the lyric sheet she'd given him. He chuckled at the little hears drawn all over it. "You still do this, huh?"


Lindsey showed her the page and Stevie gave a nod. "Yeah. I didn't realize I gave you the original."

"It's cute." He shrugged. "And so are you."

Her cheeks turned a shade of pink and she immediately started fidgeting with her rings. "You somehow seem different, Linds. You're so... mellow."

"Maybe I've grown tired of being intense all the time."

"Good, I like you this way more." She said as they just stared at each other for a moment. Suddenly, she thought back to what happened in her bathroom in the morning and her heartbeat picked up pace. She wished, they could have continued.

"How are things going?" Dave Stewart chose the perfect moment to interrupt them.

Sighing, Stevie faked a smile at him. "Good." She stood up from her seat, looking at Lindsey. "Could you help me with something, please?"

Before Lindsey could speak up, Dave did. "I can help."

"No, it's fine." Lindsey said, getting up on his feet as well. "What is it?"

"Uh... I remembered a song of mine from a long time ago, it's in one of many boxes in my closet. I can't reach it." She shrugged, sounding nonchalant.

"Lead the way." Lindsey showed with his arm towards the staircase and followed after Stevie.

Once they reached the master bedroom, Stevie turned around and stretched her arm out behind Lindsey, pushing the door to close, before she made him take a step backwards, pressing his back against the hardwood.

"We're not here for any song, are we?" Lindsey asked, grinning at her, his hands gripping her sides.

"Nope." Stevie shook her head, leaning up to capture his lips.

She didn't have to beg, as he parted his lips, deepening the kiss she insinuated. He drew her in closer, her front pressed against his, his hands began wandering and she moaned against his mouth. Her fingers worked on the buttons of his khaki colored shirt and he reached for the hem of her loose blouse, lifting it up over her head. It would have been hot, but they were too old to have sex against the wall, so he walked her backwards to the bed. The back of her thighs hit the mattress and she fell back on the bed as he bent over, tugging her leggings down.

"Do we have time?" He thought of asking.

"We have all the time in the world, baby." She said, her voice raspy as she pulled him down for another kiss.

His lips attached to her chest, while he eased the straps of her bra down her shoulders, before reaching behind her to unhook it. Leaving open mouth kisses on her throat, he fumbled with his belt buckle.

"Jesus!" She groaned, flipping them over. "Why do women have to do all the work?"

His belt was undone instantly as she then popped the button of his jeans open and her long fingernails gripped the zipper.

"Stevie, is everything alright, love?" That damn British accent came from the other side of the door. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Sighing in frustration, Stevie sat on her heels, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fine, Dave. Everything's just fine."

"Alright, well don't take too long." He said and the two heard footsteps, which quickly got quieter.

Looking over at Lindsey apologetically, Stevie fell to his side. "Perfect timing."

"Mhm, a real boner killer, too."

"Oh my God!" She giggled, hiding her face. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about." Lindsey shook his head, kissing her softly. "I mean, they are leaving later and I'm not."

"You're not?"

"If you don't want me to, that is."

"I don't want you to." Stevie said, pulling him in for one more kiss before they had to head back downstairs.

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