Part 2

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"I haven't used the Jacuzzi since I moved into this house." Stevie laughed, sipping her drink.

"Well, now's your chance." Dave held out his hand, making everyone else in the room laugh as well.

Lindsey just had to come in on that part. He had to hear Dave Stewart offer himself to Stevie. It's a joke, it's just a freaking joke, calm down, Lindsey told himself, before Karen announced his arrival.

"Hey!" Stevie jumped up from her seat, closing the gap separating her an Lindsey. "I'm so happy you came." She grinned, embracing him tightly.

"I promised, didn't I?" Lindsey smiled, pressing a kiss to her hair before pulling away.

"Welcome." Dave said, shaking hands with Lindsey. "We're all excited for you to join us."

Lindsey doubted it was true. The only person who might have been happy with his presence was Stevie. Her backup singers, who were her closest friends, had never been big fans of his, Dave himself couldn't have been too excited, because Lindsey would get in his way and the rest, well, Lindsey didn't really know them all that well.

"Are you staying the night here, Linds?" Stevie asked, looking at him hopefully. They hadn't seen each other in some time, she wanted to catch up.

"Sure if there's still room for me." He chuckled nervously, looking around at at least five sets of eyes staring back at him.

"There's plenty of room. It's Friday night, so everyone's leaving in a couple of hours." Stevie explained. "I want to know how you've been." She smiled at him warmly and he couldn't possibly deny her.

Sharon and Lori exchanged a look, both already had a feeling of where this was going to go. In their eyes, Stevie never learned. She'd open her heart to Lindsey, he'd stomp all over it, leave and then come back, once Stevie felt strong enough to let him. It had been going on for years.

"So, what are you guys up to?" Lindsey asked, sticking his hands in his jeans pockets. "I don't see much recording going on."

"We've been working since morning, taking a little break right now." Dave cut in before Stevie could answer. "We've got a lot of stuff finished already."

"We do!" Stevie nodded. "Dave and I completed our duet last night. Do you want to hear it?"

"Uh, maybe later." Lindsey half smiled. He'd like to listen to Stevie's parts, sure, but he'd have to skip Dave's and he didn't know how to go on about that politely.

"Mick was here too, you've just missed him." Dave added. "He's playing drums on most of the songs."

"He is?" Lindsey raised an eyebrow. And there he was, thinking he was somehow special.

"Yeah." Stevie nodded. "He popped in one afternoon, while we were working. Mick started messing around on the drums and came up with the whole song."

"Oh. That's... That's great." Lindsey faked a smile, suddenly feeling out of place. "Could I maybe hear the demo of the song you wanted my help with?"

"Of course!" Stevie turned to Dave. "Play it for Lindsey, okay?"

"I'd like it if it were just you and I, Steph." He hoped he sounded nonchalant, the last thing Lindsey wanted was to be left alone with Dave.

"Sure." Stevie smiled at him, taking by the hand she led him to another room.

"Well, that was pleasant." Lori spoke up once the two left.

"I know." Sharon nodded, holding her cup of tea with both of her hands. "I wonder how long she's going to be keeping him here." She said, taking a sip.

"He's not even all that." Lori rolled her eyes. "I mean, Stevie would have spent a few days on Soldier's Angel by herself and figured it out, but no. No, she had to bring in Mr. Fan-fucking-tastic."

"And you just know they're going to end up in bed together." Sharon pointed out to which the other backup singer nodded her head. "And Lindsey's not going to be there to mend her broken heart - we will."

"She thinks, he's changed every time." Lori scoffed. "He never does. He still leaves her bed and goes back to his wife."

Stevie and Lindsey's relationship was no secret, but Sharon and Lori talking about it so openly, made others feel quite uncomfortable, so before long, it was just the two of them and Karen left in the room.

"You know I don't like the man." Karen spoke up. "But maybe this time things will be different. It's not like they're going on tour. He's here for a couple of days at most."

"Didn't you hear, Karen? Stevie already asked Lindsey to stay over." Sharon gave her a look.

"At least, Stevie won't be left alone with Dave. I dislike him more than Lindsey." Karen said, shrugging her shoulders as she too walked out of the room.

"I think, we should write down a schedule, who's comforting Stevie when." Lori joked, making Sharon laugh.

And Stevie heard it, so did Lindsey.

"What are they talking about?" Lindsey asked, when they stopped in the hallway.

Stevie waved it off. "Don't pay attention to them." She tried to laugh it off, but her smile quickly faded and her eyes misted over with tears.

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