Part 3

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After hearing what her so called friends had to say, Stevie, as kindly as she could, asked everyone to leave. It stung her, knowing what Lori and Sharon truly thought about her. Well, where Stevie and Lindsey were concerned. It wasn't completely untrue, but she couldn't help the way she still felt about him. She could never be sure if she still meant to him something or she simply was an easy lay, but Stevie cherished every moment she had alone with Lindsey, even if afterwards he would leave her to go back to his wife. On the other hand, Kristen was much younger, some say prettier, yet, Lindsey always found his way back to Stevie.

Stevie decided not to dwell on it. For once, she had no plans, no hopes, nothing. She invited Lindsey because she genuinely needed his help and if something were to happen, she would let it happen. She was unable to resist him, even after all these years she couldn't say no to that man.

"Are you okay?" Lindsey asked, placing his hand on Stevie's shoulder, once they sat down in her living room, two glasses on the table, waiting to be filled with red wine.

"Why do you ask?" Stevie looked away.

"Well, after what Lori and Sharon said..." He trailed off.

Stevie faked a smile and patted his hand. "I'm fine, Linds. So." She held up the glasses and he took the bottle, filling them up. "How you've been?"

"Alright, I guess." Lindsey shrugged. "I've got my own album coming out next year."

"Oh, really? When's the release date?"

"If all goes to plan, then September." Lindsey said, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Mine should be out in May." Stevie tucked one leg under herself, sipping the wine. "I'm really scared to be honest."

"Of what?" Lindsey frowned.

"What if people don't want to hear from me anymore?" Stevie said quietly, casting her eyes down. "I mean, I went into this, telling myself that I wouldn't care, I'm doing this for myself, but you know, I've got a huge crew working on this, people have dedicated a lot of their time to me."

"Steph." Lindsey half smiled at her, reaching for her hand. "When have people ever not wanted to hear from you? You have built a massive fanbase over the years, Stevie, and I'm sure every single one of them are counting down minutes until that record is released."

"You're sweet." She said, giving his hand a squeeze.

"I should be worried, though. My solo work is... people either love it or hate it. But like you said, I've always done it for myself too. I keep taking risks, I try doing something new in hopes that someone out there will enjoy it too."

"Will I get a copy?" She joked, looking at him over the rim of her glass.

"I'll exchange it for yours." Lindsey winked, making her chuckle. "You seemed very happy, when I came in today."

"I am. It's been great, a lot of fun too, working on this album. We're actually filming a documentary as well. I don't really like all the cameras in my face all day every day, but I was told, it will be good to give the fans a glimpse of this whole process."

"I don't see any cameras around now."

Stevie nodded, suddenly realizing they were still holding hands. "Because I told them to get out." She laughed. "I've really missed you, Linds. I don't need strangers around us."

"Can I ask you a question?" Lindsey shifted in his seat. Stevie nodded her head yes, so he continued. "Why Dave Stewart?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Well, we've worked together before. Kind of. I called him and asked for his help. We decided to give it a try and it's been working well so far. He knows what to do with my music, which in all honest I've always thought you were the only one."

"Fleetwood Mac and our solo careers have to be separate, I understand." Lindsey said, bringing his wine up to his lips. Although, he had always secretly hoped Stevie would ask him to produce one of her solo albums for the exact reason she just stated.

"It means a lot to me that you're here, Lindsey." Stevie admitted, scooting over closer to him as his arm instantly wrapped around her shoulders. "I hope you won't get in trouble with Kristen for spending time with me."

"It was my choice to come here, Steph. She knows we're important to each other."

"I'm glad you think that." She smiled to herself, leaning into him. He didn't reply with words, kissing the top of her head instead. "How's family life?"

"Uh..." Lindsey hesitated to answer. "Not what I've imagined it to be."

Stevie looked up at him, her eyebrows slightly creased. "What do you mean?"

"We just don't spend a lot of time together anymore. Everyone's suddenly got their own thing. Kristen's busy with her designs stuff, the kids are growing up too fast, they don't want to hang out with their Dad longer than necessary. So, I lock myself up in my studio and work on my music. I just thought things would be different, you know." Lindsey leaned forward, refilling their glasses. "It... it gets lonely sometimes."

Stevie had never heard him confess that. "We don't always see eye to eye, but you know you always have me, Lindsey."

Taking his previous position, Lindsey nodded his head and gave her a sincere smile. "I know."

They held each other's gaze for a moment and Stevie was almost starting to lean in closer, but Lindsey looked away, asking her another question.

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