Chapter 21:

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"No I don't want one. Plus I thought you don't have one after your first child," I said to Mama Carmen as she asked me about a baby shower.

"You are having one. I know you didn't have one with Kjayy because it was just you, but now you have a family." I sent a look at Shay knowing she told her I didn't have one with Kjayy.

"What?" Shay asked trying to look innocent making me roll my eyes.

"I don't want one, momma, I'm fine. I don't want it anyway since Jay isn't here." It's been another month and still nothing.

"He already said you need it. Anything to keep you from worrying about him," Mama Carmen said.

"I talk to him everyday and he didn't shit anything about it to me," I said.

"Because I told him not to," Mama Carmen said before popping my arm with her cooking spoon. "And watch ya damn mouth."

"Everything is already set up and planned all you have to do is show up," Shay said.

"Whatever, when is it?" I asked.


"Tomorrow!?" I exclaim. "So whether I wanted it or not you were gonna have it?"

"Yup, love youuuu," Shay said as her and Mama Carmen smiled at me.


"Jayceon!" I said over the phone as he tries to talk me into this baby shower.

"You better go, when I call tomorrow yo ass better be at that baby shower," I didn't reply because I felt like crying and I don't even know why. This pregnancy and Jay being away got me all fucked up. "Jaz?"


"You gonna go?"


"I love you."

"I love you too," I said with my voice cracking as I started to cry.

"Jazmine," he said with sadness in his voice.

"I know you hate hearing me cry, but I hate you being away from me."

"You just miss my dick don't you?" he asked jokingly.

"Shut the fuck up, King," I snapped at him.

"Wow. I was hoping to make you feel better by joking not get mad and call me King."

I sighed. "Sorry."

"Nah, you good."

"I just miss cuddling. I have Shay or X stay with me at your house every night. I probably get on their nerves."

"Our house."


"You said my house no it's ours."

"Okay Jay," I said laughing.

We got quiet for a few.

"What if you're not home by time I have the baby?" I asked.

"One way or another I will be. I got this, Jaz. You riding?"



Next Day

"You dressed? X is on his way," Shay said through the phone.

"Yes, bitch. Now goodbye," I said hanging up on her. Today is the baby shower and I'm not at all excited about it like I should be.

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