Chapter 35:

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Jayceon (King)

I sat in my office in the back of the trap smoking my fifth blunt, I was high as hell. Me and Jazmine's relationship is getting worse and worse. I love that girl even with all the shit we're going through, but I can't say this shit isn't hard.

I sighed as I threw my head back and released smoke into the air. Just then my office door busted open I didn't bother to look up.

"Bruh, where the fuck is your phone? Jazmine is passed out on her way to the hospital right now!!" Ace shouted pulling me up from my chair.

My heart stopped and I couldn't even focus as I became dizzy. I didn't even realize we were in Ace's car speeding to the hospital.

Ace's phone rung and he answered it to his car. "Yo?"

"Bruh they rushed her in here she's about to have an emergency C-section," X said over the speaker. "Dawg seeing my sister unconscious..." X cleared his throat I know he was trying to keep his emotions together.

"We're pulling up now," Ace said.

We rushed inside. I ran right to the front desk. "My wife.. Jazmine.. pregnant.. C-section," I said panicking I couldn't even say a full sentence.

"Come with me," A male nurse to the side said rushing me with him so I could suit up to go into the operating room.

I got in just as they were about to cut into her. I looked at Jazmine with her eyes closed and an oxygen mask over her face as tears slid down my eyes. I looked over noticing my mom in here all suited up too.

When they finally got my baby girl out she was super small. Her tiny cries filled the room. They were tiny, but they were there.

"That's a good sign," Mom said as she hugs my side. "Go, go with your daughter. I'll stay here with Jaz. She would want you to."

I nodded then followed. I watched them as they cleaned her off and weighed her. They put a breathing tube in her nose and put her in NICU.

I washed my hands then put my hand inside to touch her tiny body. She might be small but you can tell she's probably gonna look like Jazmine.

"Dad?" A nurse asks walking up to me and I nod. "She's doing good to be premature. She's 4lbs 7oz, bigger than her doctor expected. Her lungs are good they need some strengthening though. Her breathing became shaky which is the reason for the oxygen tube. We're going to be keeping her for awhile, we wanna get her to breath easily on her own and we want to get her weight up a little before we send her home." I nodded swallowing as I tried to take everything in. "We'll be keeping a close eye on her so we will keep you updated. Congratulations."

My mom walked in the room as the lady walked away.

"How's she? Where's she? Is she okay? Is she up?" I threw question after question at her.

"She's in recovery, she's still out. They said she drifted into a coma and can wake up whenever. They have faith she'll wake up tho, so we need to have faith too." I walked out with tears blinding my vision.

I wiped my face as I stopped and leaned on to the wall.

"King," I heard making me look up and see everybody heading my way.

"What's up, bruh?" X asked.

"She's here," I said making everyone sigh in relief. "She has to stay in the hospital for a while, but she'll be coo. Jaz-Jazmine is in coma." I didn't feel like talking anymore. "Can somebody go get my boys. Kjayy is at daycare and I'm guessing Joelle has Kaine since she's the only one not here. Then y'all can come to the NICU window and see her."

I walked away leaving everybody.

"So dad do you have a name?" The same nurse asked.

"Shit, we never talked about the name," I said.

"She told me during the ambulance ride when she was in and out of consciousness and she made me remember. She said just in case, Karmen with a K, Jay hyphen Milan King.

I nodded because I liked it. But something kept replaying in my head just in case, just in case...


"Is our baby sister here?" Kjayy asked as we neared the window.

I nodded as I lifted him to look through the window and I pointed for everyone to see.

"Aw, you can tell she's probably going to look like Jazmine," Shay said wiping tears.

"She's so tiny and cute. What's her name?" Shy asked.

"Karmen Jay-Milan King."

"Aw, she has my middle name," Shay said referring to the name Milan.

"What's in her nose?" Kjayy asked.

"To help her breath."

"My baby sister is gonna be okay, right?" Kjayy asked sadly staring at her.

"Yup, she'll be fine."

Kaine hit the glass with his little hand looking at Karmen like he knew making us smile for the first time.

"Where's mommy?" Kjayy asked.

"Um, um," I stuttered.

"She's being helped by the doctor, but she is gonna be okay so don't worry little man," Ace said surprising me for him to know what to say to a kid during a situation like this.

"Anymore kids?" Pops asked me putting his arm around my shoulder as we sat down.

"Hell no," I said so serious making him laugh. "I love my three kids and they are enough. I wanted a damn football team, but I can't go through no scary shit like this again."

I'm going to get snipped.

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