Harry Styles? The Bully. (One Direction Fanfic)

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Monday 15th of September.

Chloe's POV

"Chloe, you need to get up!"Niamh yelled, jumping all over my bed.  

"Oh shut up will you!"Zoe groaned, hiding her face even further into the covers. But I couldn't help but laugh at my sister, and how hyper she could be at this time of morning. I climbed out of bed, grabbing Niamh's hand before walking out of our bedroom.

"Morning Mum."I spoke, kissing her cheek as I passed. She turned around, a smile forming on her lips as she looked at me and Niamh

"Honestly you're definatly the good twin."She laughed, shaking her head playfully. You see Me and Zoe are complete opposites, we aren't identical and we aren't similiar in any way other than us both having brown hair. She was the popular, outgoing one...Then there's me, the loser, the one who had no friends.

"Now you two eat up, i'll drop you to school."She added, pointing to the breafast she had placed infront of us.

~Half an hour later~

Mum sounded the horn, before driving off into the distance with Niamh in the front seat, leaving me with Zoe.

"Slow down. I dont want to be seen walking with you."Zoe spoke, turning her nose up at the thought of being seen with me. Her pace had fastened, and before I knew it I was alone. To be completely honest, sometimes I preffered being alone. In this world you don't know who you can trust and who you can't, but when you're alone you don't need to put your trust into anyone, because it's just me, myself and I. 

"Well well well, look who it is." Lucie spoke, folding her arms across her over exposed chest. I'd be lying if I said this girl didn't intimidate me, because truth be told she is threatening. I felt a nudge, hard enough for me to end up on the ground, a groan escaping my lips as I fell onto the hard concrete. A chorus of laughter followed, as I tried to gather my things together through my embarassment. 

"Want some help?"A husky, yet too familiar voice asked. Looking up I met the gaze of those piercing green eyes, that were so mesmorising. I looked down, staring at his outstretched hand for a second, but me being me took it without a second thought. Yet again I came into contact with the hard floor, all of my belongings laying on the floor around me. The sound of laughter ringed in my ears,  looking around with blurred vision, only to see everyones eyes on me. A groan escaping my lips as I noticed Zoe's figure heading in my direction.

"Hey baby."She said, wrapping her arms around Harry's neck. Without a second glance, I gathered all of my belongings before walking away my held held low.


Maths was never my strongest subject, infact I had always struggled with maths. Athough I manage to get B's and C's, I had never been able to understand most of what was being taught.

"Ah Mr Styles, about time you showed up."Mrs Davis spoke sarcastically, raising her eyebrow as Harry walked through the door. The boy who was currently stood in the doorway had managed to grab the attention of the whole class, the most popular boy in school.

"Sorry Mrs Davis."He smiled cheekily, knowing for fact she wouldn't punish him for his tardiness.

"We have a new seating plan, and I would like you to sit next to Miss Maria please."She added, pointing to the empty seat next to me. I felt my eyes go wide at the words she had spoken.

"No Miss! Ple-"I spoke, but only to be interupted.

"Is there a problem Miss Maria?"She questioned, frowning at my sudden protests

Harry Styles? The Bully. (One Direction Fanfic) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now