Chapter 34-Go and get back in bed Miss

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3 more votes guys! Go to two chapters before this if you want a second book then vote! Only 3 more untill I will officially confirm that ill be doing one! :D Love Chloe.Xxx

2 months later*******

Chloe's POV

"Comeon lazy arse get up."Perrie spoke, my eyes fluttered open noticing Harry was no longer laying beside me.

"Why its to early."I moaned, covering my eyes as she had opened the curtains. The rest of the girls appeared at the door, with the arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Oit get your fat arse out of that bed before we drag you."Eleanor threatened, get closer and closer to me by the second.

"Im up!"I yelled, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. Niamh took my hand and dragged me down the stairs with the others all following behind us laughing.

"Haha Very funny."I spoke sarcastically, as I sat down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. A plate of food was slid over to me, I looked up at the girls to find them all eating. But I took one look at the food and ran to the bathroom spueing up all of my insides into the toilet. My hair was pulled back, while someone else rubbed my back. I sat back leaning against the wall, looking back at the girls who all had worried looks on their faces.

"What was that about?"Perrie asked, looking concerned. But I was just as confused as her, maybe it was a stomach bug.

"Stomach bug maybe?"Niamh suggested, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Go and get back in bed Miss."Danielle ordered, helping me up off of the floor as I felt to weak to do anything. They all helped me upstairs, they practically carried me to bed.

"Right Im going out to get some food, and some medicine or something. Ill see you later."Perrie spoke, picking up her purse off of the side.

"We'll come."Niamh added, taking Danielle's hand.

"Ill stay with Chlo."Eleanor said, smiling as they walked out of the door. 

"What are we gonna do with you a?"She laughed, playing with my hair. I let out a little chuckle, she was right it was always me that either got in trouble or was always ill.

"Im prone to illness and trouble."I replied, shrugging my shoulders. My phone suddenly vibrated, Eleanor looked at it smiling as soon as she saw what it was.

"Harold's on his way home."She giggled, handing me the phone.

Harry<3: Heard your not very well :( Im on my way home, see you soon princess. Haz. Xxxxx

Me: Its just a stomach bug, ill be fine. You need to stay at work Harry dont worry about me! Chlo.Xxxxx

Harry<3: Your more important Chlo. Tough anyway cause im round the corner :P Haz.Xxxxx

Me: Your annoying.....Chlo.Xxxxx

"Why thankyou."Harry spoke, appearing in the doorway. Eleanor let go of my hand and walked out of the room winking at me before she left.

"Haz you really didnt need to come home."I replied, as he sat down on the bed next to me kissing my forehead sweetly.

"Oh I did. Couldnt work knowing your not well, and im not there to look after you."He explained, pulling me closer to him.

"Your such a good boyfriend. Boy am I lucky to have you."I muttered, laying my head down onto his chest.

"Destiny."He chuckled, playing with my hair.

"Chlo I made you some soup."Eleanor spoke, holding a bowl as she stood in the doorway.

"Thankyou El."I thanked, she let out a little smile before walking out again. The smell filled my nostrils, why is it food that makes me feel sick.

"Chlo you need to eat it."Harry said, picking up the bowl and the spoon. He was holding it closer and closer to my face, I felt something rising in my throat and before I knew it I was in the bathroom being sick again. Yet again my hair was pulled back and my back was being rubbed.

"Harry can you give us a minute?"Eleanor questioned, he nodded and kissed my head before walking out. I slooshed my face in water, and brushed my teeth so that I didnt smell as bad. El took my hand and pulled me back into the bedroom, we both sat down on the bed.

"Chlo you dont happen to be late do you?"She asked, putting her serious face on.

"Erm march 24, April 23...."I started, my mouth dropped.

"Oh god. Im 2 weeks late."I added, my heart was pounding against my chest.

"Chlo im sure its a false alarm."She said, trying to reassure me. What if I am? What about Harry? Will I everyone support me? All these questions, that I couldnt find the answers for. 

"Right ill get the girls to pick up a couple of tests okay?"She added, rubbing my hand for support. My hands were shaking like mad, I didnt know what to do. Apart from the sickness, im sure there's no other signs. I rested my head in my hands, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Our heads shot up, but I shook my head rapidly not wanting Harry to know anything until we knew. Eleanor got up off of the bed and walked over to the door.

"She fell asleep."She lied, not letting Harry see me. I heard a little chuckle from the other side of the door.

"Ill be downstairs okay?"He spoke, before walking off. A loud sigh escaped my lips, I felt awful for hiding this from him. He knew everything, there's not one thing we dont tell eachother.

Half an hour later******

The doorbell went, and there were the sounds of the patter of feet coming up the stairs. Eleanor opened the door a crack, checking it wasnt Harry. The girls all walked in placing a bag next to me on the bed. A tear fell down my cheek knowing what was in that bag would make out my future.

"Chlo calm down, it's going to be alright."Perrie spoke, trying to reassure me as I curled even further into my little ball.

"Go on."Niamh said, calmly. I took a couple of the tests and walked into the bathroom, it felt so weird peeing on that little stick. 

"Girls you can come in if you want."I muttered, opening the door as I was finished. The girls all walked in, looking nervous as they looked at the three tests that sat on the side.

"Either way Chlo you know were going to support you."Danielle said reassuringly.

"Thankyou girls, I love you."I replied weakily. The time of truth, Eleanor picked up the three tests looking back at me.

"Chlo."She spoke, tears filling her eyes as was the rest of the girls  including me.

"Your pregnant."She added.

Right well thats it no more in this book! Its over and if you want that second book I suggest you vote on that little notice chapter! 3 more votes is all it needs. Its been great writing this fanfic for you guys! You've been so supportive. Its got nearly 30,000 reads thats absolutly incredible guys! Thankyou so much, I honestly couldnt thankyou enough! So if you want that second book remember to vote on that notice! :D Love you so much guys! Love Chloe.Xxx

Harry Styles? The Bully. (One Direction Fanfic) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now