Chapter 17-Oh come on we already knew that.

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Chloe's POV

He loves me. He still loves me.

"Lets go see if the others have bought any new underwear."I laughed, pulling him up with me. We walked into the shop, I spotted the girls immediatly waiting for the boys outside the....changing rooms? Which is when they all walked out in kinky underwear. 

"OH MY GOD"I burst in to fits of laughter, while the boys decided to do their own fashion show up and down the shop. Me and the girls just stood there, with tears in our eyes as for Harry well he took this as an opportunity to snap some photos of them.

"Im hungry."Niall moaned, stropping in his red bra.

"Get changed and we'll get you some food."Niamh replied, trying not to laugh at her strange boyfriend. 

"Get changed!"I yelled, pushing each of them into seperate changing rooms. Minutes later they were done, and we walked out of the shop. Well me and the girls we skipping, okay Louis was aswell and Niall was running.

"Nialler the food's still gonna be there when you get there!"Danielle called after him, but it was no use he just kept running.

"Wow that boy sure loves his food."Perrie laughed, clinging on to my arm. All the boys apart from Niall walked behind, while all of us girls walked infront.

"So what did you and Harry talk about then?"Eleanor asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Dont raise your eyebrow at me misses!"I exclaimed slapping her playfully.

"Dont change the subject Chlo!"Niamh added, nudging me.

"He still loves me."I muttered, hoping they didnt hear.

"HE WHAT?!"Perrie shouted, stopping me from walking any further.

"Way to go Pez."I laughed, nodding my head in the boys direction. I looked over at Harry who had a huge smile on his face.

"Oh come on we already knew that."Danielle added, waving her arms around.

"I didnt!"Perrie exclaimed.

"NIALL! HOW MUCH FOOD DO YOU WANT?!"Zayn yelled as we finally reached Maccy Dee's (McDonalds)

"This much."Niall replied, pointing to the table full of food.

"How do you keep so fit?"I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Oh you noticed then huh?"He added cheekily, earning a slap from me.

Hlaf an hour later********

Harry's POV

"Nialler are you finished yet?"Niamh asked, rubbing his back.

"One more chip."He said, throwing the last chip into his mouth.

"Can I get a McFlurry?"He added.

"NO!"Liam yelled, pushing him out before he could buy anything else.

"Erggg my legs ache can we go?"Louis moaned, acting like a five year old.

"But we've been in two shops?"Danielle argued, hands on hips.

"I AGREE WITH LOUIS!"Chloe yelled, running into his arms.

"Erg Chloe your supposed to be a girl."Niamh laughed.

"Well I hate shopping."Chloe replied, nodding along with Louis.

"Ill drive them back?"I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

Harry Styles? The Bully. (One Direction Fanfic) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now