Chapter 25-You truley love her dont you?

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Chloe's POV

"Guys were going out."Harry called from where we were standing in the hallway. There were a couple of groans, I peeped my head into the livingroom to see Niall eating, Niamh laying on his lap. But as for the others I had absolutely no clue where they were.

"BYE!"I yelled, which is when they all decided it would be a good idea to come out of hiding.

"Hey where you'se two going?"Zayn asked, hugging me.

"To visit My mum and the other place is a suprise."Harry replied, winking at me so I slapped him playfully.

"Arw to cute."Danielle added, hugging me before walking off into the livingroom with the others.

"BYE LOVE YOU!"They all called, just as Harry shut the door behind us. We walked over to the Black Ranger Rover Sport, he opened my door for me being the gentleman he is. I climbed in my side as he did his side.

"MUSIC!"I yelled, turning up the radio as soon as he started the engine. A laugh immediatly escaped his lips as he looked over at me while I had my own little party in the seat next to him.

"Crazy girlfriend."He laughed, and we were off. He turned down the radio, as I couldnt hear him over the music.

"So where'd you think the suprise is?"He asked, making me even more curious.

"I dont know, cant you tell me?"I replied, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

"Not gonna work beautiful."He laughed, taking a quick look at me before his eyesight returned to the road ahead.

"Suprises."I mumbled under my breathe, he must have heard because he started laughing at me but I just glared at him.

20 Minutes later********

Harry's POV

 "Hey mum."I spoke, pulling her in for a huge hug. She pulled away and looked over at Chloe who had tears in her eyes which started mum off.

"Oh darling come here."Mum said, pulling Chloe in for a hug a meaningful one.

"Ive missed you Anne."Chloe muttered, crying into my mums shoulder. It killed me seeing her like this.

"Ive missed you to sweetheart."Mum replied, crying just as much as Chlo was.

"Comeon lets get inside."She added, pulling both me and Chloe inside. I grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her close, letting her cry into my chest. Mum looked at us, with tears in her own eyes, my hand ran through Chloe's hair trying to comfort her.

"Im here baby girl its alright."I wispered, reassuring her that everything was alright. Thats when we heard footsteps.

"Zoe your sister's here."Mum spoke, Chloe suddenly shot up. Oh no.

"Oh god what's she doing here?"I asked, making sure I held Chloe close to me.

"Im here for dinner. What's she doing here?"Zoe replied, looking at Chloe who by the looks of it was just as angry as I was.

"She's my girlfriend, she has a right to see my mum."I said, Mum was just stood akwardly in the middle having no clue what to say.

"Girlfriend?!"Zoe exclaimed, her jaw almost dropping to the floor.

"Thats what he said."Chloe spoke, getting fustrated.

"Can someone please explain what's going on please?"Mum asked, confused.

Harry Styles? The Bully. (One Direction Fanfic) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now