6 - Busy

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Wednesday 12th July 2013
We were a few months into Chris's rehearsals. Kayla was home and Doug was at his summer arts camp. I played with the twins while Kayla did some colouring in at the kitchen table. "Mama, can you colour with me?"

"Not now princess, I've got to watch the twins. Maybe later when they go down for their nap."

"Okay." She called back. I looked at my daughter as he held her arms up to me.

"Who's the cutest little girl? You are Ryeli. Yes you are?" I tickled her causing a little giggle. "Ands who's the most handsome little boy? Benny boy, you are." I tickled him too. I glanced at Kayla at the table. He head was in her arms, resting on the table. I was about to stand up and ask her if she was okay when Ryeli started crying. I picked her up and bopped her. I knew she needed feeding again so I pulled my loose top off my shoulder so my daughter to latch on. I sat there watching her as she fed for 10 minutes. I then fed Benny and played with them both until they fell asleep. I carried them both upstairs and put them down for their nap. I smiled at my babies and headed back downstairs.

"Can you colour now mommy?" Kayla asked.

"Sorry sweetie. I've got to make you lunch."

"Okay." She frowned slightly. I walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead. "Maybe we can go for a trip to the park later with the twins."

"Yeah. Okay." She kept colouring. There were lots of pages of paper spread across the table. I put them all in a pile and made sandwiches for lunch.

"There you are." I was about to sit down when my phone rang, so I went to the living room to pick it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, Is this Mandy Jackson-Gonzalez, Douglas's Mother?"

"Yes, is everything okay."

"Yes, Doug had an accident during our dance session today. We are pretty sure it's just a sprain of his ankle but we would like you to come pick him up as soon as possible and take him to the local hospital just to get him checked out."

"Of course. I'll be there as fast as I can, thank you." I hung up and headed into the kitchen. "Kayla. I'm going to call auntie Karen and see if she can look after you. Dougy had an accident at camp and needs to go to the hospital."

"Alright." She said glumly.

"I'm sorry I can't take you to the park anymore. Maybe on Thursday." She just nodded. I kissed the top of her head and called Chris, thankfully he picked up. "Hey babe."

"Hey, is it important. We're about to start a big number?"

"Yeah. Dougy as sprained his ankle during camp and I need to take him to hospital. Can you come home to care for Kayla and the twins for do I need to call Karen?"

"Any other song I would have come home but I really can't miss this one, I'm sorry baby, you're going to need to call Karen. I'll rush home as soon as we are done though."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." I hung up and called Karen but she ended up being on vacation, as were Kayla's best friend and her parents.

"Okay. Kayla. Can you get ready to go, You've all go to come." I ran upstairs and put the twins into their car seats. I grabbed my bag and filled it with things for Doug to do and snacks as well as the iPad and both sets of headphones. Kayla handed me her pencils and colouring book and she got in the car. I buckled her in and then did the twins. Soon I was driving to pick up Douglas and take him to hospital.

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