7 - Attention

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Once at the studio where Doug was doing his camp, I clipped the twins' seats into the stroller base and let Kayla stand on the platform so she didn't have to walk. I went in and signed my son out. He then stood on the platform on one leg, since he couldn't walk on it easily. Kayla walked beside us looking miserable, she then trailed behind. "Kayla, I'm sorry. But we need to be quick. Can you stay by my side?" I took her hand and she frowned as I felt myself dragging her. "Come on Kayla." Once we got back to the car, which took twice as long as it did getting from the car to the building, I helped Doug into the front seat so he had leg space, put Kayla in her seat in the back of the seven seater and clipped the twins car seats back in place. I folded away the base of the pushchair and put that in the trunk. After 5 minutes of that, we finally headed off to the hospital. "God I wish your father was here Doug. It would be so much easier.

"I'm sorry mama. I wish I didn't hurt myself."

"I know buddy. But accidents happen and I'm glad you haven't broken anything. You may have to miss a day or two of camp but it won't be too bad. I'm sure you will still be able to do the showcase in three weeks as you'll be recovered by then hopefully. Just if your father was here then I could have left him with Kay and the twins."

"Yeah. I miss Daddy because of his rehearsals."

"I know honey, so do I. So do all of us. He should be back for dinner tonight though. So that's good."

"Yay." The rest of the journey was oddly quite. Kayla didn't say a word the whole time and both twins somehow stayed asleep. Every so often Doug would talk to me but he was upset today. Once at the children's hospital I got out the pushchair again and put the twins back in and helped Doug onto the platform.

"Come on Kayla." I said letting her out.

"No!" She said crossing her arms.

"Kayla, you can't stay here."

"I don't want to go in there."

"I'm sure you don't. But you're too young to stay here so you're coming sweetie. I'm sorry." I picked her up from her seat and set her on the ground. I started pushing the stroller and Kayla didn't budge. "I will take away Mr Fluffy!" I warned. She slowly began to trudge beside me. I didn't know what was up with her, she was usually so bubbly. Once inside we signed in and took a seat. I gave the twins bottles of breastmilk as they awoke and were hungry. Once they settled down, I entertained them as Kayla and Doug watched a film on the iPad. "How's your ankle buddy?" I questioned after half an hour of waiting.

"Painful Mama. It really hurts."

"Well you're being very brave. I'm so proud of you Dougy." I kissed his temple and gave him a little side hug. I then went back to the twins and focused on them. I played peekaboo, and dangled their toys above them to watch them grab them. Once their movie was over, each of the big kids held one of their baby siblings. I sat between them and watched at they cuddled up. I was watching Doug and Ryeli and heard Kayla talking to Benny.

"Hey Benny. As much as I love you. Because I couldn't ask for a cuter baby brother, can you stop stealing mama and daddy from me. She's ignored me all day. I didn't get to colour with her, go to the park, even now, she's been playing with you and caring for Doug but not me. She even told Ryeli that she was the cutest little girl. I'm her little girl too Benny. It's so unfair. I hate it. But you're still cute." She added at the end. I felt bad for ignoring Kayla. I knew I had to make it up to my first baby girl. I turned and kissed her curly hair.

"I love you Kayla. Never forget that, even if I'm busy. You are always there in my heart."

"I love you too mama." She said still looking at the child I her arms.

"I'm sorry about today. Nothing happened as I thought it would, I really wanted to take you to the park honey. Maybe on Saturday when Daddy is home all day, you and I can go out for a Mama and Daughter day. We can do whatever you want for the whole day."

"I'd like that, thank you mama." She gave me a kiss and I smiled at her. "My biggest little girl, and you are also the cutest. You're both the cutest little girls in your own way."

"Douglas Jackson?" He was called. I quickly took the twins and put them in their stroller, Doug hopped onto the platform and Kayla skipped behind me as I pushed them to the door. I was just thankful she was a bit more cheery.

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