8 - Home

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Doug had an X-ray done and it was revealed that he had only slightly sprained it. "Douglas, you won't be able to go to camp for the rest of this week sadly, as you need to lie in bed or on the couch and rest your ankle, slightly elevated. You'll want to keep lots of ice packs in the freezer for him Mandy. I will give him compression bandages which are just elastic and you place them over the ankle."

"So RICE?" I questioned.

"Yes exactly." I nodded remembering my basic first aid training I had to do for my waitressing job years ago. "So if you come back in on Sunday afternoon we can have a look and see if you can go back to camp. Chances are you can but you just won't be able to dance and you'll just have to sing."

"That's okay I guess. I can still do the showcase then."

"You'll need crutches as you can't put weight on it for at least a week. Then after that, normal walking pressure should be fine so you can potentially act."

"Okay thank you."

"You're welcome Douglas." I was given everything I needed for him and he hopped back onto the stroller platform. The twins were back asleep again and I took my kids out to the car when Chris called.

"Hey honey? Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just leaving now. I just wanted to check up on you lot, everything Alright with Doug and the twins?"

"Doug's fine. No camp for the rest of this week but he's been given music so I can teach him that. He can probably go next week and sing then act after one week but no dancing at all for two months until fully recovered."

"Poor kid. I hope he's not too upset by it all."

"He seems pretty chill about it all right now. But that may change when he's home all day and can't be at camp, or when he's there but can't do the acting or dancing. And the twins are fine. Sleeping again. Kayla's been the only issue. It's my fault. I bearly paid her any attention and it was just a mess but Saturday we are going to go out for Mother daughter bonding. She needs it."

"Alright, well I'm finished so am heading home. Do you want me to get a takeaway?"

"Ooh Pizza Please!"

"Sure honey. I love you, and the kids, tell them that. And I'll see you soon."

"I will and I love you too, bye." I hung up and we headed home. I took the twins inside and put them in their rockers then let Kayla out and helped Doug use the crutches he was given. Doug sat on the couch and I put the TV on for him. I put a few cushions under his foot and added an ice pack over the compression bandage. I kissed his forehead and headed to the kitchen and see Kayla. "Everything okay princess? I'm so sorry about earlier and this morning. I wish I could be a better mom for you, but it's so hard with Daddy gone."

"I forgive you mama. And you're a great mom. Benny and Ryeli need you more than I do. I'm a big girl now."

"Yeah you are gorgeous. Daddy's bringing Home a pizza for dinner but until then, I can see that Dougy is quite upset with his ankle so sore. Do you think you could go give him a Kayla cuddle better. He doesn't get to see you much with his camp. He misses you a lot Kayla."

"I miss him too. I'll see you in a bit mama." Kayla ran off and went and sat with her older brother. "I love you Dougy. And I hope you get better soon." She hugged him and he hugged her back smiling.

"Thank you Kayla. I love you so much you're the best little girl I know. And I miss you so much when I'm at camp."

"I miss you too Dougy." I focused on tidying away the stuff from lunch as I didn't get the time earlier and soon Chris came in the door.

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