10 - Showcases

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August 2nd 2013
Weeks had past and Doug's ankle was mostly healed. He had his arts camp showcase today and Chris had gotten the afternoon off rehearsals to come watch. Doug was really excited to be showing us his work. He even had a singing solo because he couldn't do the dancing in the group numbers. I pushed the twins stroller and Kayla was on Chris's shoulders. She giggled the entire walk from the car to the little theatre. I smiled up at my little girl, happy to see her so happy. We headed into the theatre and took our seats. I had changed the twins before we left Home and sat waiting for the show feeding them from bottles. Chris held Benny and I had Ryeli. Kayla sat between us and would change her focus from each of her siblings.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. We would like to thank you all for coming to our junior showcase from the New York City arts camp 2013." We gave a big clap and Kayla clapped too. "We aren't expecting a fire alarm to go off but please locate yourself with your nearest fire exit just incase. All our children today range from 6 to 12. So our first group is the 6 to 7 year old class, Limelights, performing 'Do Re Mi' from The sound of music." We clapped as the youngest group came onstage and performed.

Next was Doug's age group but was a smaller group doing a dance number. He was meant to be in it but had to drop out. After that was the middle group of 8 and 9 year olds. They sang and danced to a song from Cats. Then I saw my son, one of my pride and joys.

"Hi, I'm Douglas Jackson and I'm going to be performing 'Close Every Door To Me' from Joseph and his amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The three of us cheered loudly and I saw Doug smile at us. He sang the song and I cried towards the end. Our son was so talented, and he was confident enough to do a solo. He sang it so beautifully, it was magical. As he ended Chris, Kayla and I jumped up to our feet and cheered loudly. He smiled widely at us. "I love you mama, daddy, Kayla, Benny and Ryeli. I love you all so much." He then walked off the stage and the three of us sat back down. The showcase continued and I saw Doug act in once piece and perform 2 other songs. Then all the kids walked on in their age groups.

"Our final piece involves every child in the camp. And we are perform 'Any dream will do' from Joseph and his amazing technicolour dream coat, to celebrate 45 years since the shows creation. Doug stood forward and I realised he had yet another solo. The song ended and a standing ovation was given. The twins were already in their carriers and I had Kayla on my shoulders. The children all bowed and then Doug and the three other soloists in the last song took another bow. Chris, Kayla and I cheered loudly and soon we were leaving to collect Doug.

We headed into the main auditorium, all the little ones came out first, then the middle group and finally Doug's group came out. He was still on crutches but didn't have to use them during the show. It was more just for extra protection. He came through last as I pushed the stroller back and forth. "Mama, Daddy!" He called as he saw us. I stopped pushing and ran up to him. I went onto my knees and hugged him tightly.

"Dougy, you were so amazing out there. We are all so incredibly proud of you."

"Thank you mama." He hugged me tightly too and then gave me a kiss. I kissed his forehead after and helped him get over to Chris, Kayla and the twins.

"Hey buddy. You were awesome today! One day you can be on a broadway stage if you want, just like mama and daddy." Chris gave him a hug and kiss and Doug thanked him. Finally Kayla gave him a hug.

"I love you so much Dougy. You were awesome!"

"Thanks Kay. I'm glad you liked it. One day you're gunna do one maybe."

"Yeah." They held each other in their hug for a little longer until they pulled back and smiled at us.

"You two are the cutest siblings ever." I ruffled Kayla's dark brown, bouncy curls as Chris put his hand through Doug's tight curls like his own. "Okay, let's get you lot home then. We can have a nice family afternoon and evening."

"Okay." Both kids said. Chris lifted Kayla to his shoulders and Doug stood on the stroller platform. Chris turned to me and gave me a light kiss.

"Life is so much easier with you Chris. I love you."

"I love you too Mrs Mandy Vera Jackson-Gonzalez." I smiled widely and kissed him again. "Come on love, let's go home." I nodded and he wrapped an arm around my waist, supporting Kayla with his other arm, as I pushed the stroller to the car.

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