9 - Pizza and Bed

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Once I saw him I put everything down, ran down the hallway, took the pizza boxes out his hands and hugged him tightly. "Everything Okay my love?" He asked hugging me back and kissing the top of my head.

"No. I need you to stay home the next few days Chris. With Doug in crutches, twins that need my constant attention I've been completely neglecting little Kayla. She's been so upset because of it and I just need you here. Please."

"I'll call Lin and see what I can do. I may have to go in one morning but it should be fine. Just stay strong beautiful, because I know you can do this honey."

"Thank you, Thank you so much." I looked up at him and smiled. He leant down and kissed me softly. I took my arms from around his back and put them around his neck. We kissed for a little longer and smiled after we pulled back. "I love you so much Chris. And thank you for trying to get the next few days off."

"I love you too Mandy. And family always comes first, well except with the case of that one song. But from now on, you and the children will always be first."

"Same goes for you." I gave him another peck on the lips and stepped out of his hold. "Anyway, I want Pizza." We both giggled and headed off to the kitchen, hand in hand, pizza in Chris's other arm.

"Pizza Kiddos!" Chris called. Kayla jumped off the couch and ran to her father she gave him a tight hug.

"I missed you daddy, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too princess." I smiled at them and saw Doug crying from the couch. I rushed over to him and sat by his side.

"Buddy, What's wrong?" I ran my fingers though his thick, dark curls.

"I wanted to run and jump into daddy's arms and tell him how much I missed him too. But I can't because of my stupid ankle." I felt horrible for my son and gave him a kiss.

"Daddy will come here and give you a cuddle any second. He's just catching up with Kayla first, she's been a little ignored all day and that's my fault because everything just got so busy, I couldn't spend time with her. So she's having a little time with your daddy before they come here."

"Okay." I gave him a hug and got him a new ice pack. Once I returned Chris was sat with Doug talking about his sprained ankle. He seemed happy so I smiled.

"How about I bring the pizza in here, make it easier for Dougy?"

"Yes please mama!" Both kids said.

"Chris? You okay with that?"

"Sure, if it means I can eat dinner with my family again I don't care what it takes." I smiled at him and brought in the two large pizza boxes and the small garlic bread then went and got plates for us all. I used the plastic picnic plates so they weren't going to break if accidently dropped. We all sat on the couch, cuddled together eating pizza watching another Disney movie. The twins woke up but they sat in their rockers and seemed fascinated by the screen. Ryeli began crying which caused Benny to cry. I got up to get them but Chris stopped me. "Babe, you rest. You've had to manage all four of them all day. I'll take care of them."

"Thanks honey." Chris took the twins in his arms and smiled at me.

"You create the most beautiful babies Mandy, I mean look at them, and Kayla."

"And you created all four of our gorgeous children, Chris." He just nodded at took the twins upstairs. "I'll be back in a bit sugarplums." I followed my husband upstairs and fed both of the twins. We sang them a lullaby together and put them in their cribs, kissing them goodnight. The two of us stayed in their nursery sat next to each other. Chris had both his arms around me and gave me a cuddle. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled softly. "I miss these moments Chris. The moments when the twins have gone to bed, the big kids are calmly watching TV and we can have a moment to ourselves."

"I know what you mean. Why don't we put the big kids to bed and then we can have a cuddle together on the couch or in bed."

"Yeah. I need hubby time." I lifted my head and kissed his cheek. We both then stood up and went downstairs to the living room. Their movie was over and they had both finished their pizza. "Okay, bedtime kids. Kayla, straight to bed after your story. Doug you can stay up a bit and keep reading."

"Okay." They both said.

"Daddy's gunna carry you up to your room Buddy, do you want another ice pack or are you okay?"

"I'm alright thanks." Chris picked his son up and carried him to bed. Kayla also wanted to be carried so I gave in and carried her upstairs causing a giggle. I read her a story and tucked her in giving her a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight Kayla. I love you so much, sleep well. Daddy will be in in a bit."

"Night night mama." I walked out and crossed paths with Chris. I went to Doug's room and smiled at him.

"How's the ankle?" I said crouching beside his bed.

"Much better already."

"That's Good." I gave him a kiss and wished him goodnight.

"Night mama." I shut his door and and headed to the bedroom. I did my teeth and hair then climbed into bed wearing one of Chris's tops. Chris came in after and did his teeth then climbed into bed in just his boxers. The two of us talked about the kids and how I was coping alone. He comforted me when I told him how hard it was and it was overall really nice to just talk to him alone for once. We just cuddled and when I was ready for bed I kissed Chris passionately and rolled over so we were spooning. He rested his arms around my body and I held onto his hands as I fell asleep in his arms. The last words I heard being "I love you."

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