How Sweet.

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you drove all over town to get the things he needed. It was always a lot of work to make an actor comfortable, no matter how hard they tried to be humble. Even if one of the visitors didn’t demand anything, they would always have to pick up on things that they ate or wanted to read daily. Tom, was surprisingly easy to take care of though, everything he wanted wasn’t too hard to find around town.

A box of his favorite tea bags, a mug, keys to his rental car, the daily newspaper and an order of lunch was all that was needed for this guy along with some other little odds and ends. you knocked on the door of his dressing room and he opened the door to see you with both arms full of bags.

“Let me help you here.” Tom relieved one of your arms of the bags and you set his paper and lunch on his table. You hung up his costume that was pressed and dry cleaned just right and set his keys to his rental down next to his paper.

“Thank you very much (y/n). You look exhausted.”

“Not nearly as exhausted when Tennant came to town. No worries. Anything else for you? I’ll prepare your tea if you like.”

“Yes, please. And then after that you can join me for lunch.” Tom smiled and you left quietly and quickly to get his tea ready. There were some stage hands that were talking in the lounge and hardly noticed you. you poured hot water in his fresh new mug and plopped a tea bag in before you warmed it in the microwave. Not exactly how the English do it but…would have to do.

“Did you see how he smiled? I think he looked at me. He’s so sexy.” One girl said to another.

“And he sings too, have you heard him sing Bare Necessities?” you snorted trying to hold in your laughter when you heard that comment. The microwave beeped and you pulled out the warm mug and pulled out the drawer to find that there was no spoons to mix his drink with. you certainly weren’t going to wash something you didn’t use, you had enough things to do than worry about some stupid spoon. So you pulled out a plastic one from the cupboard, grabbed your own lunch from the fridge and left to send him his tea.

“Sorry, Tom. They didn’t have any clean spoons. I hope you don’t mind plastic.” you said entering his room and shutting the door.

“That is perfectly alright. Irresponsible crew members?”

“Yes, they never wash the dishes after they use them. Especially the silver wear. Sometimes I wish I could be like Bruce Almighty and just produce one of my own.” you said sarcastically. Tom accidentally blew a raspberry in his tea trying not to laugh at your statement.

“Sorry! Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. That was funny.” He chuckled. “So tell me about yourself (y/n). What brought you here to the theater?”

“Actually this is just a job to pay for school. I love what I do here though. I get to meet a lot of interesting people.”

“A lot of famous people you mean?”

“Yeah. Of course.” you confessed.

“What are you going to school for?”

“Global Studies and Music.”

“Nice, a smart girl. So you like to learn about the world out there? That’s rare to see in anybody these days.”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to travel anyways.”

“And music? You write your own?”

“Only the lyrics, I’m still learning how to compose. I’ve always loved to write.”

“Your own songs? That is amazing. What kind of songs do you write?”

“What ever inspires me I guess.” you went to say something else but held your tongue. Tom noticed and asked you, “What were you going to say?”

“Nothing. If I told you, you would think that I’m just another fan girl.”

“Oh, okay so it’s a song about me then. I’m flattered.”

“Not exactly, it mentions you. it’s a song about smiling.”

Tom grinned and leaned back on the couch, “You like my smile? How sweet, you’re blushing wildly.”

you hid her face with your hands and let out a small laugh.

“Yes, I do like your smile. I’m sure you have heard that before from a lot of girls.”

“Yeah, online. Or in a fan letter or maybe an obsessed girl screams it to me at a premier. No fan has confessed it so humbly like you just did. I like you (y/n).”

“Thank you, Tom. I like you too.”

“Well, back to work then. I have to get to stage, I’ll see you later?” Tom asked.

“Probably tomorrow, I’m going to school shortly. I go three days a week.”

“Oh. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The next day, you bolted from your car into the doors of the theater and down the hallway to the dressing room. you had to stop at the door to catch your breath and knocked on the door, “Good morning. You’re a bit late.”

“I’m sorry, I apologize…I was up late studying for an exam.” Tom only gave her a smirk and tore off a flash card that was stuck to your face.

“Looks like you slept where you fell.” he looked at the card for a second, “What country has the highest rate of employed single mothers in Europe?” he asked reading the card.

“Iceland.” you answered him as you set his paper and breakfast down on the table.

“Join me for breakfast?” he asked.

“I would love to but I have to get some of the set prepared for today, no one knows how to paint the props right. I’ll see you later.” with that, you darted out the room.

“Alright,” he called after you. He looked down to see your messenger bag on the floor with everything spilling out of it.

“What a busy girl.” He stooped down and picked up the contents and set them back in your bag, “Hmm…her song book?” Tom opened it and it fell open to an entry labeled Sunshine. “Wow,” Tom laughed. “She’s very talented.”

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