My sweetness has not yet finished.

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Tom smiled as if his heart exploded with elation. “And you are mine.” it was all that he could utter, he was grinning from ear to ear and your heart swelled with happiness seeing that you made his day.

“What an amazing day this has been already.”

“I should say so my love.”

Tom climbed out of the car and you sat there for a moment frozen, staring at the brown bricked theater. Tom tapped on the window to get your attention but it didn’t work. You came out of your fearful gaze on your own and opened the door. Your eyes met his and he winked, slipping his hand into yours and guiding you into the doors. You didn’t exchange words as you walked down the long hallway to the front doors of the theater. You felt as if you were about to be led to the stocks, awaiting to be humiliated by press and your old friends. Tom grasped the brass handle and waited for you to look at him, “Ready?” he asked. You nodded slowly and the door swung open, it was the first day of the show and you finally had the chance to sit and watch it from the audience.

You just didn’t want to be aggravated by people asking you questions or hearing whispers about you during the show. You were here to support Tom and he was here to support you too, walking into a battlefield of stares and judgmental looks made you shudder.

“What is (y/n) doing here? I don’t want any trouble to be caused in this production.” the stage manager warned Tom.

“Have you ever known (y/n) to cause trouble?”

The stage manager looked down for a moment, giving him his answer, “Exactly. She is here only to be a part of the audience tonight.”

“Alright then. If that is what you wish and what with the festivities that unfolded the former weekend, I’ll require stage security to look after her.”

“Thank you.”

Tom took your hand and you both whisked away into his dressing room to get him ready.

“I don’t know how loyal the security will be since I lied to them for such a long time about us.” you stated taking the costume off the rack and taking off the protective plastic.

“If there is any type of altercation tonight, darling. Let me know and I will take care of it.” Tom noticed that your hands were shaking as you helped him into his costume. He gently took your hands and kissed them and they steadied.

“Everything will be alright my dove. Stop shaking in your feathers, dear.” Tom said. The blood rushed to your cheeks for the 80th time. “Oh, my dove is blushing again.”

“Stop.” you said turning away. Tom caught your chin to keep from hiding your face, “Stop what?”

“Being so incredibly sweet.”

Tom thought for a moment, “No.” he said with a smile.

“Okay.” You kissed and he held you for a moment.

“My sweetness has not yet finished its’ job today.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just enjoy the show for me.” Tom kissed you once more and let security lead you to your seat. The lights dimmed and the show started. Dave was one of the security guards that sat with you, “Well, hey there, (y/n). you haven’t forgotten us stage rats have you?”

“You guys aren’t rats. I was one of you guys for so long. I’m proud that I worked here for so long with all of you.”

“I’m sure you will forget us since you are now filthy rich.” Dave stated. You turned to him and met Dave’s eyes.

“How could I forget all of you? Sure some of you are dips but so was I sometimes. You know me, Dave. I do my best to stay humble.”

“Just do us one favor? Come and visit us little people whenever you two are in New York.”

“Of course I will. This is my home.”

“You know, I kind of want to be mad at you for falling into the same pit that a lot of us have. But…I have to admit, all of this couldn’t have happened to a better person.”

“Thank you, Dave.”

The show was phenomenal. Tom was a great fit in the play and you even shed a tear or two. Even though you have seen the play acted a million times in rehearsals, there was something about watching it from the audience. When the show ended, the whole crowd rose in applause as the cast took a bow.

Tom took the microphone from the stage manager and spoke, “Thank you very much for coming out to see this show,  all ticket sales will be donated to UNICEF to help end hunger, so thank you for your contributions, it is greatly appreciated.

On a personal note, I am aware that the tabloids have exploded with the news of my new love interest. Well, all of it is true and this woman has been by my side helping me through every line, every costume change and stunt in this theater. She’s been with me through this whole process and my heart has been taken by surprise with her.” Tom eyed you in the front row. Dave elbowed you teasingly and you elbowed him back.

“She is a remarkable woman who works extremely hard at school and work and she’s been very loyal to me. (y/n) will you please join me on stage?”

Your heart skipped beats as it pumped electricity through your body. Dave, seeing how nervous you were helped you up and guided you to the stage. Dave had to walk you to him because if he didn’t your legs would’ve given out from under you.

“My dear, I hate to put you on the spot like this for I know how skittish you get.” Tom reached into his pocket and knelt down on one knee. You covered your mouth to keep from screaming and tears rolled down your face one right after the other.

“(y/n), you are an extraordinary person, you have been so loyal and you are the most beautiful creature ever to be in existence. You are such a precious little thing to me and I want you by my side from now on. Will you marry me?”

He opened the tiny velvet box to reveal a breathtaking tear drop shaped diamond. The type of diamond that a man would pick out to resemble you, and what a beautiful jewel you were to him. You didn’t realize you took too long to respond until the audience started to chant yes, encouraging the word to push further up your throat and out of your lips, “Yes.”

It didn’t feel real, you just said yes to him. More unbelievable, he asked you. You? Of all people. You.  Tom slipped the gorgeous ring upon your finger slowly and scooped you up to kiss you.

“So, what should I tell my professor now that we are engaged?” you asked smiling.

“Who says that your studies have to stop now that you are with me? I talked it over with your teacher. We both can go abroad and the rest of your studies can be finished online.”

“What a dream come true you have become.” you said, your arms hugging his neck.

“All the same to you my love.”


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