I want to be Yours.

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“Are you happy that you got your way?” You said implying to Tom driving into Times Square. He nodded, you felt rejuvenated and relaxed after your swim and hot soak in the hotel. Once Tom found a spot to park, you both climbed out and walked the streets in New York. Tom gently took your arm and held you close. He didn’t want any harm to come to you in the unruly town. Tom didn’t notice, but you were leading the way. You knew exactly where to go from here, “Where are you taking me, dear?” he asked.

“You’ll see.” You turned the corner and stopped at the first one in front of you. “Motown Comics. I come here to find the Thor comic books and the Loki ones of course.” you smiled as Tom looked up at the sign in the front of the shop.

“What are we waiting for?” He took your hand and you both rushed into the store. Each wall was covered with comic books, most of them vintage and some of them new.

“Oh! Look. Its you.” you held up a comic: Loki Agent of Shield. “This would’ve been an interesting trilogy to the Dark World.”

“Loki became an Agent?”

“You didn’t know that?”


“He still does what he pleases without Shield interfering.”

“How does he manage that?”

“You know. For playing Loki you don’t know much about him.” You said a bit confused.

“I only read the script my dear.” he kissed your head and you kept exploring the store for a bit. Once you spent half of your last paycheck on comics, Tom led you to the car and you both drove down the road for a half hour. He wouldn’t tell you where you were going and you were getting quite bored, “Babe, where are we going?”

“You’ll see. This place is uptown, that’s why the drive is so long.”

“Oh really I didn’t notice.” you joked.

“Its just around the corner.” Tom took a right turn and parked the car. “Welcome to Candy Eden, (y/n).”

You stepped out of the car and walked into the Shoppe. Your mouth dropped open, why did he take you here? This was completely unfair!

“Oh…My…God.” It was the biggest candy store you’ve ever been in and Tom just stood back to see your priceless face. Your gaze fell on him once you completed a slow 360 around the store, “You evil man. Sugar is my enemy.”

“Really? Because your wide (e/c) eyes say differently.” Tom was diverted when he spotted his favorite sweet, “Oh! Look, Brookside Chocolate.” Tom didn’t hesitate to take a scoop and fill the paper bag with Pomegranate flavored chocolate drops. You looked around again, you couldn’t just choose one…you were a girl. Sugar runs through your veins.

“Oh, here we are, (fav candy). Perfect.”

“Taste these, babe.” he said catching you off guard and sticking a drop in your mouth. You scowled as you chewed on the juicy piece, “I like it. Here, try this.” you were about to place your candy in his mouth when he ducked, “What?”

“I don’t like that stuff.”

“Have you ever tried it?”

“Yes, and it gives me a terrible sugar rush.” Tom stated.

“I’m not getting the bad part of why you don’t like it. Candy is supposed to make you hyper.”

“But that stuff is possessed with sugar.”

“Fine.” you said watching Tom browse a bit more. Now that he wasn’t looking, you slipped a few of yours into his bag and shook it up so he wouldn’t know the difference. You liked to see in eccentric.

“Are you ready, Darling?” Tom said as you both walked to the desk and bought your sweets.

“How about Riverside Park, Tom? Its just across the street.” You asked.

“Yes, I fancy a walk.” Tom paid the clerk and you both walked arm in arm across the road.

“Have I tortured you enough today what with the hot tub and the candy?” Tom teased.

“Oh, yes my dear. Everything was quite exhausting that I desperately need a walk in the park to clear my head.”

“Very well then my love, let us stroll.”

The walk was quiet, you were enjoying each other and you enjoyed him being so close to you.

“What job do you seek to land when you graduate college?” Tom asked. You looked down and almost forgot about your studies.

“I was hoping to be part of foreign affairs. Maybe I can change the world.” you laughed a bit.

“Change the world. That is a lot of ambition. It doesn’t sound like you.”

“It isn’t. I only took it because I wanted a high paying job that let me travel. Global Studies was thee only course that required travel.”

“My dear, you should do something you know you love and are good at, (y/n).” He looked at you square in the eyes. “Now, tell me. What is it you really want to be?”

“Besides a singer?” you asked and he nodded.

“(dream job).”

“And what else?” Tom asked knowing the look on your face that you weren’t done saying what was on your mind.


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