A Clever Trick.

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You were tired, it would only just stress you out more, but Tom wanted to go public with you so badly. He didn’t care, why should you? You took a deep long breath and slipped your fingers through his, “Let’s go public, baby.”

Tom gave you the biggest smile, “Really? Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not sure about it. But if you don’t care, why should I stop you? We’ll get through this together.”

Holding his hand tightly, you both descended the stairs and you could see the flashes of the cameras before you even walked out the door, “I’m with you, (y/n).”

You felt the adrenaline rise from your feet to your cheeks as the waiter opened the door, everything felt as if it were in slow motion, you felt like it took forever to take your first step outside and you clung to Tom’s arm as you both stepped outside. The lights were blinding your (e/c) eyes and you put a hand up to block out the lights.

“Wait! that’s his assistant, Amelia James!”

“Nope, just (f/n, l/n).”

“Are you two dating?” another photographer.

“what do you think? You catch us at The Lion and you ask a stupid question like that? Of course we are dating.” you snipped at the paparazzi. Flashes of light cascaded one after another, “Shall we give them the satisfaction?”

“Oh yes.” you replied.

You both kiss in front of the press and then took a step forward to the annoying camera vermin, “Can I have some silence please?!?”

The flashes just kept coming, “Excuse me!” Tom yelled. His shout was so loud it even made you jump a little, “She has something to say to you all, so stop your clucking!”

At once the press lowered their cameras and devices to hear her, “You greasy wind bags wont make victims of us, you had your pictures taken. Now go.”

“Uh, darling. That isn’t going to work on them. they’ve got you now. You need to distract them.”

“Oh. Alright then, make your phone ring.”

“Ugh, never mind…hang on.” You dipped your hand in your purse and pressed the send button, knowing who you called last. “What did I tell you? Go on. Shoo!”

Tom’s phone rang and answered it, “Hello.”

“Its for me.” you mouthed indiscreetly. Tom caught on and handed you the phone, “Its for you my dear.”

“Hello? Oh Keira!”

“Keira Knightley?” a voice in the crowd asked.

“Keira, how are you?” you pretended. “Well, of course we will meet you at Maxi’s for a drink. We haven’t seen you in a long time…Yes, we’re on our way. Bye love.”

You hung up the phone and looked at the crowd, “I guess we will see you all at Maxi’s.”

The press rushed out into the streets to get to their cars and Tom stared after them and then looked at you.

“Where did that come from?”

“Thinking on my feet.”

“But, I’m the actor. You pulled that off so well.”

“And I think they still believe that I’m still your manager or they wouldn’t have bought that trick.”

“Clever, clever lady you are.” he leaned in for a kiss but you took off your shoes and ran to the car, “Hey!” Tom laughed out as he chased you to the car.

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