Pretty in Pink.

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you ran backstage and started helping the set designer paint what ever props needed touch ups.
“You’re late (y/n). I can’t tolerate this any longer. I need your help when visitors are here. You can’t focus on school at work now. Not when Tom is here.”
“Yes, Ma’m. Sorry.” you picked up a brush and started painting. One of the male extras came up from behind and called out your name, “Hey (y/n)! I told you not to store the paint in the extra’s makeup room.”
“We have no place to put it right now, Dave you’re just going to have to put up with it.” you bit back.  You were tired, stressed and upset that everyone was on your case for being late for once in your life.
“Put up with this (y/n)!” He heaved the bucket of paint at you and a wave of bright pink paint covered you from head to toe. Dave and a few of the other extra’s laughed at you, The set designer ran out to get the stage manager.  you wiped the paint from your eyes and glared at all of the idiot boys in front of you, “You know, Dave. No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend, you don’t treat women right in general.”
“Yeah you’re one to talk single (y/n).”
you couldn’t take it anymore, you lunged at Dave and chased him around backstage, you finally pinned him down and started to smear the paint all over him, “Come on (y/n), This is a brand new shirt!”
“You should’ve thought about that before you poured this pink all over me!” you smacked him across the face leaving a hand print on his right cheek. you grabbed a fist full of his shirt and wiped your hands with his new shirt.
“Is everything okay back here?” You could see Tom towering over you like the shadow of death. At least that’s what it felt like.  you stood along with Dave who was now just as pink as you were.
“She attacked me. She just started running after me after a pale of paint spilt on her on accident.”
“Really Dave? You’re a jackass!”
“And how did this paint get all over this girl? Did everyone see this happen, is Dave telling the truth?”
All of the extras nodded backing him up, you looked around realizing you weren’t being defended.
“Even when you’re an ass head people defend you.” you pushed him into a pile of props and walked away, you didn’t want to be humiliated in front of anyone further. Tom looked around at the lying actors and actresses that he was working with, “I’m appalled at all of you.”
“What? She attacked me. She‘s just jealous that she isn’t talented like us.”
“I saw what happened, and not one of you spoke up and told the truth. I don’t like working with liars, you poured that paint all over her. Now, because of you I cannot finish the show on time because all of this has to be cleaned up on top of all the repairs that the set crew has to perform.”
Tom walked over to the broom closet and pulled out a mop, “Get to work, no one help him please. Being one extra short is enough.” Tom walked off stage and ran into the stage manager, “Where is (y/n)?”
“She’s outside hosing herself down, I do apologize Tom, she will be fired as soon as she’s done. This isn’t like her.”
“No need to fire her, it wasn’t her fault.”
“Who was it then?”
“I’ll tell you later.” Tom rushed off stage and down the hallway to the exit doors, “You really get into your work don’t you.”
“Please don’t mock me, not after what just happened.”
“I’m not mocking, you look good in pink.” he teased.
“You’re lucky you are a well respected actor or else I would spray you right now.”
Tom laughed, “Here, let me help.” Tom took the hose from you and sprayed off the last bit of paint off of your clothes.
“Well, I better go home and change. I’m sorry about all of this Tom. This should’ve never happened.”
“You’re right, it shouldn’t have happened…but it wasn’t your fault. I’ll see you later (y/n).”

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