A Pressing Situation.

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“What restaurant is this?” You asked a little scared and excited. Tom just took your hand and led you to the front of the entrance, “The Lion?” You gasped. This place was crawling with celebrities. And where the celebs were, the paparazzi was sure to follow.

“I don’t care if they find us out, (y/n). I shouldn’t have to hide and tip toe over press just to go out with you. If they want to talk, let them talk. Like you said, we will get through it together.”

“But what about my job? They will fire me for sure this time. I wont have any way of-”

“My dear, (y/n). Do you honestly think I wont be there for you? What you did yesterday was incredible, maybe you should be my assistant for real.”

“Really? You mean that?”

“Of course, now lets eat.” Tom led you inside and the host checked you in and a waiter led you upstairs into a secret entrance, “Your room Sir.” said the waiter. Your mouth dropped open, There was a hidden room with a library lounge and dining room. The furniture and lighting were rich and baroque. In the center of the room was a picture of a bright red butterfly.

“This is what you call a dinner?”

“Yes, I reserved the private room so we wouldn’t be disturbed. That was of course before I wanted to go public with you…it takes forever to get even a table reservation here, I’m just lucky the room opened up.”

“I give up, I am being spoiled by the most handsome man on the face of the planet… might as well enjoy it.” you teased.

“Here are the menus for you both and I will check back soon to get your orders.” he said placing them on the table.

“Thank you.” Tom picked one up and opened it.

You did the same and you almost lost your breath when you saw how expensive the dishes were, “Holy crap!”


“the most expensive dish on here is $125.00!” you tried to whisper. Tom gave you a smile and kept looking through the menu, “The duck sounds great.”

“They better give you 34.00 worth of duck. I know these places, they give you a sliver of meat with a vegetable and a drop of sauce and call it a meal.”

“My dear, I’m sorry but I reserved this room for us and I’m well aware of the portion here, why are you making such a fuss?” Tom looked a bit alarmed at what you said. You were insulting the food before you even tried it.

“I’m sorry, love.  I know you have gone through a lot of trouble to get this reservation. But, you know me. I’m a scruffy little stage hand from the theaters of New York. I’ve never set foot in a place like this, I feel quite out of place.”

“Why? You deserve all of this my dear. Maybe this was too much for you to take in all at once.”

“I can only imagine how much this night is going to cost, not including the demo you paid for this morning…you’re looking at a girl who cooks food from a box from Wal-Mart. Can you blame me for feeling a bit strange?”

“No…I guess not. Do you want to go home?”

“Heck no! you gone through a lot to get this spot. I’m not leaving until we enjoyed the night. You deserve to see this night end happily, my dear.”

“(y/n)!” Tom exclaimed.


“I think I fell deeper in love with you.”

You blushed, “Only because you got your way with me.” you flirted.

“Yes, blush my dear. Let me see the red hue upon your kissable cheeks.” Tom purred. You couldn’t help but laugh that time. That one was a doozy.

Painted Heart. (Hiddleston Insert fanfic.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora