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Shouken slowly opens his eyes. His blurry sight meets the ceiling. He tilts his face and finds sekijin sitting beside him on a stool. Sekijin notices Shouken regaining consciousness and immediately wipes off the look of worry from his face. "Welcome home" he says to Shouken, smiling widely. "What happened?" asks Shouken, his voice shaking a little. "Nothing much. Everything is the same." Sekijin says."What about that letter which..." "You don't have to bother yourself with that, it has been taken care of. You just need to rest now, my dear brother." Sekijin says cutting off Shouken. Shouken reluctantly agrees. He sits back and stops asking questions.

A knock is heard. Shouken turns his attention towards the door and sees a servant enter. "Shinryuu sama, I have come for the young master", she says. Sekijin orders her to take Shouken to the dressing room and have him dressed well. "Your wish is my command Shinryuu sama". Saying so she takes a confused Shouken with her to the dressing room. On the way Shouken notices the changes in the garden and few of the people in the house. He also felt penetrating gazes but decides to ignore them. The servant notices Shouken's uneasiness and explains "Young master must not have realized this but you have actually been sick for quite some time now. You finally regained consciousness today." Puzzled, Shouken asks for how long he had been in a state of coma, getting more than ten years as a reply leaves Shouken wordless. "All this time Shinryuu sama has done his best to bring you back. He has spent sleepless nights beside you, young master". "Jin gege did that?". The servant politely confirms her statement. "I see" is all Shouken says. He is clearly astonished to find out that Sekijin, his older brother who used to care only about work spent sleepless nights at his bedside. He stays spaced out until the servant announces their arrival. "Please enter young master" says the servant for which Shouken politely thanks her.

After Shouken is dressed, the servant apologetically bows "I am Mii, young master. I apologize for the late introduction. I will be at your every beck and call 24/7." Shouken comes to his senses when he hears her and properly looks at the servant. She seemed to be in her late 20s with a serious yet polite expression, dressed formally and alert. "Thank you very much" Shouken says feeling that Mii could be trusted. "It's an honour to gain your trust, young master". Shouken is shocked to find how quickly she read his expression. He laughs and says "I'll be in your care." Mii nods politely and takes him to the dining hall where a feast had been prepared for him.

At the head of the table Sekijin is seated. He smiles when Shouken enters and gestures for him to sit. "You must have quite a few questions." Sekijin says. Shouken nods and immediately starts to ask questions but Sekijin stops him and suggests that they eat first. Shouken nods in agreement. He takes a bite of the food and Sekijin says "You must be wondering how you were able to regain consciousness after ten years despite your condition right?" A surprised yet not surprised Shouken nods. Not noticing Shouken's reply he goes on "Thanks to the magic we possess, we were able to keep a hold on your soul while you were treated". "How...how did I end up in that state?" Shouken asks hesitantly. Sekijin lets out a sigh filled with regret "When you went to buy a few things before you left for your mission you met a horrible accident. Thankfully we managed to make it in time to stabilize your condition". Shouken drops his spoon and realizes that his hands were trembling. Noticing Shouken's condition, Sekijin calls for Mii and says to Shouken "It must be quite a shock for you. Don't let it bother you too much. All that matters is that you are alright now. Go take some rest." Turning to Mii he asks her to take Shouken to his room. Mii takes Shouken to his room and makes sure he's comfortable. She leaves the room and Shouken uneasily goes to sleep.


Meanwhile in the Tanmoku residence:

Ki is sitting and doing work on his desk while Keika walks around bored. "Oi! Tanmoku Ki! Tanmoku Ki! Tanmoku Ki!" Keika shouts, tired of being ignored for more than ten minutes. "Tell me, I'm listening" Ki replies without looking up from his work. "Hmmmpphhhh! You're supposed to look at the person who is talking to you" sulky Keika says. Ki puts his pen down and stares intensely into Keika's eyes, "Yes?" he asks. Getting embarrassed at Ki's intense staring "Not so intensely! Stop it." Keika says, blushing a little. Smirking, Ki says "You told me to look at you." "Not like that though!" Keika huffs and says, "Forget it, I'm going to take a walk." Smiling softly, Ki says "Alright, let's go." "Eh? Us?" Keika asks surprised. Ki grabs Keika and leads him by his wrist, "Go ahead. Tell me what you wanted to." Keika's ears start to turn red but he hides it by struggling "Why are you so strong? Damn it. Okay, okay. Let go first." Ki lets go of Keika and says "There you go." Keika rubs the place where Ki grabbed him, "Nothing really. That was bait to get you to come outside. All you do now is sit in that study room and write that spell all day." "If I don't do that your soul will..." Keika cuts Ki off before he could complete his sentence, "I told you, didn't I? I do have one attachment. I don't need that spell. As long as you are here, I don't need to worry." Ki starts to protest but stops when Keika says that he'll be fine as long as Ki was there. "You worry too much Ki, you should relax sometimes." Ki reluctantly agrees and says "Next time you want to do something, tell me." Keika immediately brightens up, "Really??!!! Yay!" Ki smiles at Keika being excited, "Slow down Keika." Keika stops in his tracks, "What did you just call me...?" "Keika?" Ki replies. "Eh?!!!" "What's wrong if I call you that? You just called me Ki didn't you?" "Eh?" Keika screams, realizing what he just said. Ki starts laughing, "You don't realize what you do sometimes Keika." Keika laughs sheepishly and sprints off, "Hurry up Ki!" he says. "I'm coming" comes the reply.

They take a walk through the forest and then return home. Keika goes to his room to complete stringing a necklace he was making. A new hobby he got while Ki was too busy to pay attention to him. "Did any letter arrive?" Ki asks Jimei. Jimei nods and says "Yes, Ki sama..." "Again?" "Yes." "Jimei, I need you to do me a favor. Find out who has been sending these letters and notify the elder." Jimei bows, "I understand." Jimei goes to inform the elder. Meanwhile Ki opens the letter and looks at the contents.

{*Keika, I would like to meet up soon. I have a lot to tell you. I don't know when this letter will reach you but whenever it does please come and see me at #607, Koi avenue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -CHEN*}

Ki crushes the letter in his hand, "Chen, huh? How the heck is this guy related to Keika?!!" He tells himself to calm down and flattens the letter, he carefully folds the letter, unlocks a draw, keeps it inside and then locks it again. The draw contains many other similar letters. He sits down to get some work done. After forty five minutes a knock on the door is heard and Jimei enters holding few papers, "I've come with the documents about Chen, Ki sama." "You can leave them there, thank you." Ki replies. "My pleasure" Jimei says and leaves the room. Ki goes through the documents and tosses them in the trash can after going through them.

After an hour or so he wraps up his work and goes to his room (aka Keika's room). He opens the door and finds the room empty, a few completed necklaces lying on the table. Ki rushes outside the room and calls Jimei. "Keika's not here and I can't sense him either! I'm going to look for him. Don't tell the elder unless I tell you to." Ki says is a rush. Jimei nods in agreement, "I shall look for him around the house just in case." Ki hurriedly agrees and rushes out of the house following Keika's weak aura. The aura suddenly cuts off when he reaches Kou street. He angrily hits the steering wheel and growls, "How far did he go? I should've given him energy! His aura is too weak and now I can's sense him at all! Damn it!" He continues to frantically cruise through the street searching for Keika.


A few hours ago:

Keika leaves the house because he was bored to death. Not wanting to disturb Ki who was busy working he leaves a note on the mirror and goes out through the window. When he leaves, a gush of wind blows off the note which goes and settles down below the bed. Keika wanders around, he goes to the park and then walks even further. By this time, he's famished and spots Koi café. "Oh! It looks new, I should go and check it out." He continues talking to himself, "This is so much better than staying at home. I hope Ki sees that note I left him." He reads out the spell which makes him visible to others. He enters the café and orders a parfait. He eats it deliciously and then leaves the café after paying the bill. After wandering around a little and marveling at everything, Keika decides to return home.

On his way back he bumps into someone, "Sorry! Excuse me." he says. The passerby who he bumped into accepts his apology and continues to frantically search for something. Noticing this, Keika offers his help and the passerby readily accepts. The passerby describes the lost item and Keika starts to search for it. Used to searching for lost items, Keika finds the necklace and hands it to the passerby. The passerby is greatly delighted and exclaims, "Thank you so much for your help! Please let me repay you by buying you dinner." Keika politely declines, "No, its okay. I'm glad I was able to help." The passerby is slightly disappointed but doesn't give up, "Please, I insist." Seeing the good intentions of the man, Keika gives in to his hunger and follows the man. The man suddenly stops, "I forgot to ask your name. I'm Chen by the way, You Chen."


Published on 2018 (I can't find the right date. around August)

Edited on May 25 2020

Thank you for reading!

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