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"I'm Yo..." Keika starts to say but is interrupted by the slamming of doors, Jimei dashes out and grabs Keika, "What happened?" Keika asks, surprised. "Ki sama is very worried, we should go back immediately." Jimei exclaims. Keika brushes off Jimei's hand and tells him to wait for a minute. Jimei notices Chen standing there and asks if something was wrong. Keika explains what had happened and gives his name to Jimei. "I see. Chen san, I'm glad you've found what you had lost." He bows politely and continues, "I'm sorry but right now we need to go home immediately." Keika turns to Chen, "I'm sorry Chen san. I need to go." They both turn to leave but Chen tells Keika to wait. He hands him the necklace and says, "Please take this as a token of my gratitude. It's a pity I couldn't treat you to a meal." Keika declines, "I couldn't possibly take such a precious thing". Chen insists and Keika eventually takes it, "I'll take good care of it. Please be careful." Jimei holds the door open for Keika and they leave. After the car dashes off, Chen exclaims, "He didn't tell me his name!"

In the car Jimei calls Ki who's in Koi avenue and informs that he has found Keika. After he hangs up, Keika suddenly says, "I forgot to tell him my name." He then notices Jimei looking at him through the mirror and enquires about what had happened. "Ki sama is very worried" Jimei says. "Why is he worried? Did he not get my note?" Keika asks. "Note? There was no note." Jimei says. "I left a note for Ki. Even if he didn't see it, it shouldn't be a problem. He can sense me, and also, we can communicate telepathically now that we have made a real pact." Jimei stops the car, turns to Keika and says, "That's the problem, Ki sama was unable to sense you." Keika is taken aback by this news and asks, "What do you mean he can't...?" Jimei starts the car again, "I don't know the details, we are almost home. Ki sama will let you know." Keika nods silently. No conversation is made for the rest of the journey.

They reach the Tanmoku mansion in five minutes. "Ki sama will be in the study room" Jimei says. Keika thanks him and hurriedly goes inside while Jimei parks the car. Keika enters the study room and finds Ki pacing back and forth. Ki notices Keika and immediately rushes towards him, "Keika! Are you alright??!!" Keika smiles and reassures Ki, "I'm fine, nothing happened to me." Ki sighs in relief, "Thank god." "Ki, what's this about you not being able to feel my presence?" Keika asks, puzzled. "Your trail was suddenly cut off, but you don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of it." Noticing that something was wrong Keika states, "Ki, there's something you're hiding from me." Ki pretends like nothing is wrong and says, "Don't worry, its nothing for you to be concerned over." "It is! You are not able to sense my presence! What do you mean I don't need to be concerned?" Ki grabs Keika and kisses him without a word, giving him energy. "For now this is all you need Keika." Keika pushes Ki, "No! There's something on your mind and you're not telling me." Ki keeps a tight grip on Keika, "All you need to do now is rest." Keika struggles to escape Ki's strong grip, "No! Why don't you understand?!! Let me go!" "Keika, please, listen to me. Just go and rest, please." Keika gets pissed at Ki, "Tanmoku Ki!! Let. Go. Of. Me!!!" he screams. Keika struggles even more and the necklace which Chen had given him falls down. Ki picks it up and asks Keika, "Where did you get this from?" Keika snatchs the necklace back from Ki, "None of your business, Tanmoku Ki!" Saying so he stomps out of the study room.

Ki slumps onto his chair and Jimei asks if he is alright. Ki feebly speaks to himself, "He called me Tanmoku Ki... not Ki..." Not hearing what Ki had said, Jimei asks, "Should I get you something to drink?" Ki looks up at Jimei and sighs, "Its alright Jimei. You can leave now, I'll finish my work."


Meanwhile in Keika's room, Keika jumps onto the bed and hits a pillow, "I feel bad for shouting at him, but he was being so rude! He doesn't understand anything! I just want to help him, I want to share his worries! I'm supposed to protect him!" He turns over and lays on his back, he then examines the necklace and then caresses it. "This necklace oddly makes me feel at ease. Ugghh! Forget it! Go to hell Tanmoku Ki!" he falls asleep while holding the necklace.


Meanwhile at the Shinryuu household:

Sekijin goes to Shouken's room and asks Mii who was standing guard outside if Shouken was up, getting yes as an answer he tells her to get him ready as they had to go somewhere. Shouken gets ready while Mii packs snacks for them. After preparations are done they head to the car. "Jin gege, where are we going?" Shouken asks. "You'll know soon," he replies, "Buckle up." Sekijin gets into the driver seat and they set off without any servants. They reach their destination in about twenty minutes. "Where are we?" Shouken asks. "Koi avenue. We're going to meet my savior and the cause of your existence."


Published on 2018 (sometime around August)

Edited on 25 May 2020

Thank you for reading!

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