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Ki tries to remain calm and sits down, refraining himself from shattering the wine glass in his hand. One of the hosts of the meeting approaches Ki and starts up a conversation. "It is amazing how Ki san is always calm and collected. The Tanmoku household is blessed to have you as the Youmeshi and the leader." Suppressing his anger and putting on a professional smile Ki says, "Thank you for the compliment. You have over praised me." The host chuckles in a lively manner and says, "You're humble as well. These are great characteristics. Keep working hard like you always do." Ki bows and says, "I will not fail your expectations." The host goes on to ask, "Is the food to your liking?" Ki replies respectfully, "Yes, thank you." He looks at his watch and says, "It's getting quite late, I'll be taking my leave now." The host smiles, "Good, very good. Cares about time as well. Be careful on your journey home." he says approvingly. "Thank you for your concerns." Ki says. "Come visit any time." the host says. "I'll try my best." Ki says. "Great." the host replies.

Ki bows and takes his leave. He goes to the parking lot and is about to enter his car when a person suddenly pounces on him and grabs him by the collar. Ki turns around and asks plainly, "Shinryu Sekijin...san... what are you doing?" Sekijin, unable to control his anger bursts out, "You...you! What did you do to Shouken?" "What the hell are you talking about? What would I want with Shouken?" Ki demands. "You know I can track him with that lace on his neck and it shows that he's at your house!" Sekijin screams. "Impossible." Ki says. "Then let's go and see." Sekijin says. Ki sighs, he holds the door open and says, "There's no helping it, get in."

They both go to the Tanmoku residence together. Ki gets Jimei to pick up the car and get it parked. Along with Sekijin, Ki goes to the treatment room. On enquiring, Ki had confirmed that Shouken was indeed in the house. Sekijin bursts into the treatment room scaring Keika off his seat. "A knock would be better next time." Keika says. "Move." Sekijin says shoving Keika aside. Ki catches the falling Keika and they lock eyes for a moment. Keika, embarrassed immediately let's go and stands up straight. "Are you alright?" Ki asks. "I'm alright. It's Shouken who's not fine." Keika says matter-of-factly. "What happened?" Ki asks. "Jiun and Shiyou found him on the road wandering around, he could've had an accident with their car if it was not for Jiun's timely stop." Keika replies. "How bad is his condition?" Ki asks Keika. Keika replies, "Since he doesn't have a soul his mind should be stable for him to function properly. It seems his mind is unstable." "What treatment was done?" "Jiun did some sort of magic treatment. After that he stopped sweating and moving around restlessly." "I see."

Sekijin holds Shouken's hand tightly and says, "How? How did I not notice?" Sekijin was on the verge of breaking down. Keika comes forward and says, "Sometimes you should let the dead be. If shouken knows the truth, I wonder how he would react." Sekijin immediately gets furious. "You! Shut your mouth. What do you know?" he howls. Seeing Sekijin scream at Keika, Ki gets mad at Sekijin, "Then why doesn't he know that he doesn't have a soul? Maybe the reason why he's not sleeping properly is because he's recollecting memories?" Sekijin pauses, "What did you say? How did you know he's not sleeping?!" "It was just a guess, but I think it's a right one thanks to your reaction. A piece of advice, you can never hide the truth no matter how harsh reality is." Ki says. Not able to take it anymore, Sekijin bursts, "Get out! Both of you get out!"

Keika and Ki leave quietly. Ki walks ahead and turns around to see Keika standing in front of the treatment room without any movement. He sees Keika clutch onto the ring around his neck and sees the ring spark with energy. He rushes towards Keika and the spark disappears. "What's wrong?" Keika asks Ki. Rubbing off the worried expression on his face Ki says, "I should ask you that. What exactly is that ring?" Keika looks at the ring then looks at Ki and says, "I'm not sure myself. Ki, You told me about that letter right? Shouldn't we go and meet Chen san? I want to check if he's the same guy I met that day." Ki looks Keika in the eye and says, "Keika, it could be dangerous." Keika smiles and says, "I don't have anything to worry about, you are there with me after all." Ki, not knowing how to counter Keika's words admits defeat. "Alright. But only after Shouken and Sekijin leave." Ki says. "Okay." Keika agrees.

Shouken's condition gets better within the next day but there were no signs of him waking up. Sekijin takes him and leaves the Tanmoku residence. During the two-hour drive back home Shouken finishes recollecting all of his memories and a tear rolls down his pale face. He gets up and silently sits up on the back seat. "You're up." Sekijin says noticing him getting up. With a trembling voice Shouken says, "...Jin ge...I remember everything." Sekijin dismisses any further talk by saying, "Shouken, let's talk later, you rest for now." Shouken, not in a mood to be shushed, screams, "No!" Sekijin is shocked at Shouken raising his voice and stops the car at the side of the road.

"Shouken, please listen to me." Sekijin pleads." Shouken starts to tear up. "Jin ge. At that time, I never wanted to kill Ki. He was precious to me. I wanted to make him into a great Youmeshi. He would govern over the world with me by his side. But I knew, I knew that I ended up being a thorn by his side. Things went wrong because of me but Ki still believed in me even after all that evidence! It was my fault. I couldn't bear killing Ki, so I killed myself but... but Jiun and Jimei kept my soul in place and used my blood to cure Ki. I was happy that at least after I died I could help him. I was happy! But, Jin ge you came and took me away! You ignored my wish and didn't let my soul free! In the end all you got was me, an empty shell! Is this what you wanted? A brother who would follow your command?!!! Were you planning to use me to kill Ki again? Answer me!!"

"Shouken, please calm down. You'll lose control and really become a zombie." Sekijin says. "Shut up! I don't want to listen to anything you say. You never took care of me when I was younger. You only forced those books on me and I had to do everything you said. When I received the letter for being the observer I thought that I'd finally be able to help you. I thought I could finally gain your trust and make you happy. But no! Did you ever think of me as your brother? Wasn't it all extremely convenient for you? You killed your brother and your parents. Even if you weren't possessed you would've done it. You wanted the Youmeshi to come and get that spirit so that you could kill him but instead an exorcist came. You hated the situation, but you used it to your advantage. You never wanted a new life, you never wanted to move on. The only thing you ever wanted to do was kill Tanmoku Ki!"

"Mind your words Shouken! I'm your benefactor! I'm the reason you're alive." Sekijin says raising his voice. "I never wanted to stay alive!" Shouken screams and lays down on the seat, his back facing Sekijin. Sekijin gets out of the car and opens the back-seat door, "It's true. I used you before, but I regretted every bit of it. I still do. Letting you go was a wrong thing to do. I regret it. Even if I hated my brother I loved you. You were the precious son of the man who saved my life. I could've died. I was grateful that he gave me a chance to redeem myself. I regret it even now. So, don't say that you would be better off dead. Gege will take care of you okay? If you want I would abandon everything and go stay with Chen san along with you." Sekijin says calming his voice.

"Did dad help you revive me?" Shouken asks getting up after making a decision to believe Sekijin. "Yes. I owe him for both of our lives." Shouken feels guilty for what he said a while ago and quickly apologizes, "Sorry Jin ge. I was being selfish. I should be thankful for being alive. I can see Ki doing well and Keika supporting him. I get to meet my dad thanks to you. Thank you Jin ge." Sekijin hugs Shouken and says, "I'm very happy you are alive Shouken. Thank you for staying by my side." Shouken sinks into Sekijin's shoulder and says, "Jin ge, why don't we go meet Chen san and tell him to come live with us?" Sekijin smiles and says, "That's a good idea. Shall we go now?" Shouken nods and says, "Yes! Let's go right now." Sekijin strokes Shouken's hair and says, "Then buckle your seat belt." Sekijin gets into the driver seat and says, "Off we go!"

They both head towards Chen's house. At the same time Ki and Keika are also headed towards Chen's house. When they reach, they are welcomed by a surprised Chen. Nevertheless, he lets them in and says, "I wasn't expecting guests. I thank you for the other day." Keika smiles and says, "Don't mention it chen san. Nice to see you again." Keika's face turns dark and he softly adds, "I'm You Keika."


Published on 2018 (around August)

Edited on 26 May 2020

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