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Ki gives Sekijin a professional smile, "Long time no see" he says. "You!!!" Sekijin says once again. "My apologies for neglecting the road, is anyone hurt?" Ki asks nonchalantly. "Huh? You're pretending to care? How dare---" Sekijin stops when he sees Shouken get off the car, he walks towards Sekijin and asks, "What's wrong Jin ge?" Ki glances at Shouken and at Sekijin once more. "Looks like you were successful. I had only heard of it but now I'm seeing it with my own eyes. Congratulations." Sekijin gives Ki an icy stare, turns around and gives Shouken a gentle smile, "Everything is alright. I was checking if someone was hurt." "Ahh. I see." Shouken says. "Don't worry, get in the car. I'll be right there." Sekijin says in a comforting voice. Shouken follows Sekijin's advice and gets in the car. "I hope I don't see you again" he says to Ki. He turns and starts back towards his car, but Ki stops him by shouting, "That should be my line. Also, a piece of advice, take good care of Shouken. I hope you don't leave place for regrets. After all his soul is..." "Why you!" Sekijin howls. Before Sekijin has a chance to say any more Ki starts the car and dashes off.

Sekijin exclaims, "That brat!" He sighs, "Nice to see that bastard doing well I guess..." He stops and laughs at himself after realizing his unexpected praise for Ki. "He still hasn't lost that nasty hostile nature of his though. I can see why Shouken wanted to help." He sighs again, "I must be turning senile" he says. Shouken rolls down the car window and asks, "Jin ge, something the matter?" Sekijin blinks and returns back to reality. "Nothing. I'm coming." Shouken smiles and says, "Lets go home, you look tired." Sekijin smiles back and gets into the car, "Let's go!" he says. After they drive for a while Shouken asks, "Was it someone you know?" Sekijin looks at Shouken in the mirror, "An old acquaintance you could say." he says. "I see," Shouken says, "I feel like I've seen him with the guy in the car before." "The guy in the car?" Sekijin asks. "You didn't notice?" Shouken asks. "Oh him, where did you see them before?" Sekijin asks after recalling who was in the car. Shouken thinks for a while, then says "At the fair! I bumped into the other guy and he looked utterly shocked. I turned around to check later if he was alright and saw that white-haired guy with him. They looked really close. It was nice to see." "They were at the fair eh?" Sekijin comments. "What sort of person is he? That navy-blue haired guy." Shouken asks. "You must be talking about Keika." Sekijin says. "Oh! So his name is keika. What a beautiful name." Shouken says, fascinated. "I guess you could say that..." Sekijin says. "So, what sort of person is he?!" Shouken asks excitedly, "He looked my age." "I don't know about the age, and I am not close to him either." Sekijin begins to say, "But this I know, he's someone who can't be underestimated. Always full of surprises... it's because of Ki, I think." Shouken suddenly goes silent. Sekijin looks at Shouken through the mirror and gets embarrassed seeing the look of utter astonishment on Shouken's face. "I said too much, didn't I?" Sekijin asks. "Not at all, it's nice seeing gege talk about the past." Shouken says and then adds, "that white-haired guy is called Ki?" "Enough of that now, we no longer have anything to do with You Keika or the Tanmoku household. It's not our place to talk about them." Sekijin says sternly. "Why is that so?" Shouken asks. "You probably don't remember but the Tanmoku household is the family of the Youmeshi and the Youmeshi is above all. So, don't talk about them." Shouken is shocked by the sternness in Sekijin's tone. He asks no more and adds a simple "Okay, Jin ge."


//Ge means elder brother in Chinese, the anime is the Japanese version, but I thought it would be nice to put the Chinese one since it sounds cute (and reminds me of the current couple I ship). Anyways, the note ends here, hope you enjoy! :D This story is all over the place. I've used Japanese in few places and Chinese in others. Please overlook those. *sheepish grin*

Published on 2018 (around August)

Edited on 25 May 2020

Thank you for reading!

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