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Ki takes the shocked Keika to a secluded place outside the fair. He makes him sit on a boulder, he hands him the drink and gently asks, "You saw Shouken?" Still not over the shock, Keika mutters "Ye..ah." Not surprised, Ki says quite plainly, "I see." "I know you are usually calm but what's with that reaction?" Keika asks slightly pissed. "I heard that Shinryuu Sekijin was trying to revive him, didn't expect him to actually be successful." Ki says. "Eh? So, you knew?" Keika asks. Ki nods, "Hmm...also, there would be no way he would give up. He blames himself for what happened to shouken. He feels guilty for making him my observer." Ki shrugs and continues, "There's no helping it." "I never thought I would see a day where you, Tanmoku Ki, would sympathize with someone you despise." Keika says quite plainly. Ki smiles and says, "I'm quite surprised as well. I never thought this day would come either." "You changed, Ki." Keika says out of the blue. "It's all because I met you, Keika." He says without batting an eye. "I have to thank fate and destiny for that." Keika says. "You're right. Fate and destiny." Ki repeats. "Hmmm." Keika says.

Ki glances at the necklace around Keika's neck and asks, "Is there anything written on that ring?" "I didn't see, let me see" Keika says. He takes off the ring from the necklace and reads what's written on it. "Umm, 'Kan', that's what's written on it." Keika says. "'Kan' huh?" he says in a serious tone. "That's a deep meaning for a name." Keika laughs and says, "Too serious and deep." Ki pats Keika's head and says, "You grew up." Keika takes this chance, gets up and says to Ki, "You should hurry up and grow up too. Or else you'll be left behind." Saying so he runs off. "What was that? Keika! When I catch you, you'll get it!" he screams pouncing after Keika. Keika sticks out his tongue and turns around, "Let's see about that. Catch me if you can!" Ki starts running faster and says, "Just you wait!" Keika laughs joyously and says, "I'm waiting!" Ki finally manages to catch Keika, "Caught you!" Ki tickles Keika and they both fall on the grass laughing. "I'm glad I met you" Keika says facing Ki. Ki holds Keika's hand and says, "I'm glad I decided not to let go of this hand." Keika smiles while blushing, "Look! The sky is beautiful!" Ki diverts his attention from Keika to the sky and says, "You're right. It's pretty." They both lie on the grass looking at the sky.

//Kan has several meanings depending on the kanji. I'm no expert on kanji. The meaning referred to here can be interval; period of time, joy; enjoyment; delight; pleasure, feeling; sensation; emotion; admiration; impression. It can be any of the above-mentioned meanings. Hence, it has a deep meaning. Hope you understand~


Meanwhile Shouken and Sekijin head for home. "Did you have fun at the fair?" Sekijin asks Shouken. "...yeah." Shouken replies absentmindedly. "Is there something on your mind Shouken?" Sekijin asks with worry. "Can you do me favor Jin ge?" Shouken asks lifelessly. "What is it?" Sekijin asks. "Dad... there's something I want to ask him." Shouken says. "I got it. Let's stop by before we go home." Sekijin says without hesitation. "Thank you..." Shouken says deep in thought.

They reach Koi avenue soon enough. They go up to #607 and ring the bell. Chen opens the door and is surprised to see Sekijin and Shouken. He lets them and in and says after they sit, "You should've told me you were coming." "It was a sudden trip." Sekijin explains glancing at Shouken. Chen with a question mark face raises an eyebrow. "Shouken has something he wants to ask." Sekijin says. "Is that so. What is it Ken?" Chen asks gently. Sekijin and Chen both look at Shouken, "Well?" Chen asks. "I... wanted to ask... if you had his birth ring as well." Shouken says stumbling on his words. "Your brother's?" Chen asks. Shouken nods. "Unfortunately, no." Chen admits. "Where is it?" Shouken asks immediately. "The other day, I went out and had both the rings on me. I happened to drop them, and a stranger helped me find them. As a token of gratitude, I gave it to him." Chen says. Disappointed, Shouken says, "I see." After some time, he says hesitantly, "This might be selfish of me, but could you please tell me his name?" "Your brother?" Chen asks again. "Hmmm" Shouken says nodding his head. Chen shakes his head and says "You don't have to feel sorry. I was being unfair right? His name is... Jikan" After a pause he adds, "You Jikan." Shouken immediately brightens up and says, "Thank you dad!" "Is that all?" Sekijin asks. "Yes!" Shouken replies. "Then, we won't bother you anymore. We'll be taking our leave." Chen nods and says, "It's quite late, be careful." Sekijin bows and says, "We will. Thank you. Sorry for bothering you so late at night." "Not at all" Chen says politely seeing them off.

The duo set off for home, Sekijin glances at Shouken through the mirror. After a little while, he asks, "What are you thinking?" Shouken looks up and notices Sekijin looking at him through the mirror, "Wouldn't it be great if I could see Kan?" he asks. "Jikan?" Sekijin asks. "Yes." Shouken replies. Sekijin turns around and looks at Shouken, "Are you curious about what sort of person he became?" he asks. "Ye... look out!!!" Shouken screams suddenly. Sekijin immediately looks at the road and slams on the brakes just in time. The car in front comes to a halt and Sekijin gets out of the car to see if anyone got hurt. He knocks on the window of the black sedan, "Is anyone hurt?" he asks. The driver of the sedan rolls down the window. "Is anyone..." Sekijin stops his sentence midway when he sees the driver of the car. "You!!!" he screams dumbfounded. "Tanmoku...Ki!!!!"


//I realized that I made a dumb mistake. The way Shouken calls Sekijin is supposed to be Jin ge and not Jin gege. Please excuse my stupid mistake~ I'm no expert

Published on 2018 (around August)

Edited on 25 May 2020

Thank you for reading!

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