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It's been 2 years since I last wrote here! I promised extras and finally I'm writing them! I apologize for the delay to anyone who was looking forward to it. There isn't much really, just short episodes from here and there. Enjoy~


Time pun:

If you remember in chapter 8, this random family head comes up to Ki and starts praising him. Ki says that it was getting late and that he had to leave. At that time, that elder says, "Cares about time as well, very good." It was actually a play on Keika's name since Jikan means time XD


Driving licence episode:

Keika learned to drive while Ki was busy with his work. One fine day, Ki had some free time so he decides to go check up on Keika. He goes to where Keika was learning and sees the car come to a stop in front of him. He watches Jimei guiding Keika and Keika seriously listening to him, his back faced towards Ki. Jimei notices Ki and politely greets him. Keika turns around and sees Ki as well. He feels a little embarrassed. Ki comes up to them and leans onto the open window. He looks sweetly at Keika and says, "Take me along". To Ki's surprise Keika strongly refuses. "Why not?" Ki asks. "You must be very busy. Go back inside and continue your work." Keika says sternly. "...Oh." Ki says with a tiny pout. "I'll head back then. Good luck." He says and heads back. Jimei looks at Keika with a puzzled look. "I just don't want anyone to distract me..." Keika says, covering up his real reason. 

A few weeks later, Keika receives his licence successfully. He rushes into Ki's study and gives him the good news. "Oh, good..." Ki says, still sounding bummed about Keika rejecting him earlier. "Ki! Don't sulk..." "I'm not." Ki says getting up from his seat and picking his things up. "I... I wanted you to be my first passenger." Keika blurts out. Ki stops when he hears that, his ears turning red. "Let's go for a ride!" Keika says. "Mmm." Ki nods. 

They drive to the lakeside with Ki trying to hide his happiness. Keika doesn't say much as he was a little embarrassed. They stop under a bridge and get out. They settle down at the back of the car and watch the sun set. Keika places his head on Ki's shoulder. Ki wraps his hand around Keika and they cuddle together under the hue of the setting sun. "Thank you." Keika says. "Thank you too." Ki says back to Keika. Keika snuggles back onto Ki's shoulder. Ki places a kiss on Keika's forehead and continues to hold Keika.

(The end~ I really wanted to write this and finally I did!)


Jimei X Shouken!

While Keika and Ki were out, Jimei was preparing tea and snacks to go with it. Shouken sees him do so and sneaks into the kitchen. Jimei turns around to keep the plate on the table and gets surprised when he sees Shouken. "How may I help you, Shouken sama?" Jimei asks. "You're always so formal." Shouken says with a shake of his head. Jimei doesn't know what to say so he stays silent. Shouken watches Jimei for a while. He suddenly gets up and goes next to Jimei. Jimei tenses up and Shouken laughs as he realizes it. "Teach me." "Eh?" Jimei blurts out. "Jimei san also has moments when he gets nervous." Shouken says with a grin. "But you always get your work done. So cool!" He compliments. Jimei's ears turn slightly red. "Thank you for the compliment, Shouken sama." he says in a calm manner, much in contrast to the chaos in his chest. Shouken looks up at Jimei's face and lifts his hand up. He touches Jimei's ears and Jimei moves back in shock. "They're warm." Shouken says with a cheeky smile. "Shouken sama, please sit down. I'll serve tea soon." Jimei says, moving away. Shouken chuckles. "Jimei san." He calls out. Jimei turns around. "It's warm." he says blankly. "Do you have a fever?" Jimei asks, getting worried. He approaches Jimei to check his temperature. Shouken takes Jimei's hand and places it on his chest. "It's warm right here, in my heart." He says with a wide smile. Jimei's ears turn scarlet. "Please don't tease me Shouken sama." He says retracting his hand. "I like it though..." Shouken says with a small pout. "I see... I'll keep that in mind." Jimei says politely. "I meant you. I like you." Shouken says. Jimei is taken aback at how direct Shouken was. Jimei turns to stone, not knowing how to respond. "Anything wrong?" Ki asks coming into the kitchen with Keika. Jimei takes his eyes off Shouken and shakes his head. "No, Ki sama." Shouken smiles and looks away as well. "Everything is all good." He says with a smirk. 

(And that's how Shouken made Jimei aware of his feelings. Now Jimei and Shouken are totally smitten for each other!)


Now that brings this story to an official end! I thank everyone who read this!

Published on 26 May 2020

Thank you for reading!

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