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Sekijin's words leave Shouken puzzled and end up forcing him to ask Sekijin "What do you mean?" Ignoring Shouken's question, as usual, Sekijin says, "Follow me." They go to #607, a humble house, not too huge nor too small. A lantern hangs in front of the door and a dilapidated sign board hangs beside the gate. The door is old and the house rickety. Sekijin rings the door bell and they are welcomed by a maid. She serves them refreshments and leaves the house after informing that the master will be with them shortly. The house is different compared to the exterior. On a bookshelf nearby, books are neatly arranged, a cozy couch is placed near the fire place. The house gives off a comfortable feeling contradicting to the eerie feeling outside the house. Not able to hold back his curiosity any longer, Shouken asks "Where...?" But his question is interrupted by the arrival of a man in his mid-forties, dressed neatly, not too extravagantly and having a gentle smile paired with mysterious eyes. Seeing the man, Sekijin immediately gets up and exclaims, "You're here!" The man slightly laughs and says, "Yes, it's been a while." After a pause, "A long time in fact." Sekijin smiles, "Time sure flies." He gestures towards Shouken and says, "This is Shouken."

The look in the man's eyes changes, a fond look lingers, and he looks at Shouken, "You've grown up very well. I'm glad you're alive" he says. This confuses Shouken even more, "I don't understand." he says getting up from the sofa. Sekijin pats Shouken on the back and asks him to sit, "When I was young, I was possessed by a spirit. This man here, Chen, belongs to a family of exorcists. He freed me from the spirit which killed my parents and my younger brother." "Younger brother? But I'm your..." Shouken says but is cut off yet again. "Let me finish. Chen san brought you to me and left you in my care. You were the beginning of my new life and a new chance for me." Fed up by now Shouken raises his voice, "What do you mean? None of this makes sense!" Chen sighs and takes over, "You were never good at explaining Jin." He turns to Shouken and says, "Our family was being hunted down by debtors. Your life was in danger, so I left you in his care. I... I am your father." The last words shock Shouken immensely, "Wh...at?" is all he manages to say. Chen takes something from his pocket and hands it to Shouken, "Here you go, I've been wanting to give this to you." Shouken takes the necklace which has a ring hanging on it, on the ring the word 'Ken' is carved. "This is?" Shouken asks Chen. "Your birth ring. Its been with me for too long. You might not remember but your mom and I were divorced. So, you don't have any memories outside the Shinryuu house. I'm sorry, it took a while for me to meet you. I wanted all three of us to be here but unfortunately, I wasn't able to find him..." Sekijin and Shouken both ask in unison, "Find who?" Chen controls his emotions and faces Sekijin, "Jin, I never told this to you, but Ken actually has a twin brother but... he's dead."

Shouken is even more shocked at this news and starts to feel faint, "I have a brother? And what do you mean he's dead?" he manages to ask. "When your mother left with her brother for finalizing the divorce they met an accident. Their faces were not in a condition to be identified and they mistook it to be me. When I returned home, grandma was dead. And your brother was missing." Chen says grievously. "How do you know he's dead?" Shouken demands. "I'm an exorcist. I asked the spirits and they found out that he died not long ago." Sekijin is as shocked as Shouken is and demands, "Why didn't you tell me this Chen san?" Chen sighs again, "I'm sorry Jin, but I wanted to hide him. If anybody knew, he'd be in danger." Sekijin controls his anger and says, "I understand. I regret his departure from this world." Shouken clenches his fists, "What was his name?" Chen no longer able to control his emotions breaks down, "I can't even bear to utter his name." "At least what it symbolizes or the meaning. Can you tell me that? I want something to hold onto..." Shouken requests Chen. Although he didn't remember anything he felt a strange feeling inside him. "Time. His name meant the passage of time."

Shouken could no longer hold in his sorrow. He on one hand was being filled in with loads of new information and on the other hand didn't remember a single thing. A tear rolls down his cheek, "I'm sorry! I...I don't remember anything." Chen is surprised at his sudden outburst and apology, he calms down a bit and says, "It's not your fault. It's my fault that the two of you were separated. But now you both are separated forever." Sekijin tries his best to comfort the other two in the room, he pats Chen on the shoulder and says, "Please don't blame yourself, Chen san. You told me once didn't you, what's meant to happen will happen. And also, Shouken is still here." Chen looks at Sekijin with tears in his eyes, "You're right" he says. He manages to get a hold of himself and gently caresses Shouken's face, "Ken, dad is sorry for leaving you for so long. Please forgive me. I missed you so much." Shouken looks into Chen's eyes and immediately feels his father's warmth, "Dad, it's alright." Chen is overwhelmed by Shouken's warmth and hugs Shouken tightly. Father and son both embrace each other, taking in the warmth and cry on each other's shoulder.


Meanwhile at the Tanmoku household:

Ki knocks on the door of his room, "Keika, let's talk." He says. He gets no reply, he knocks again and no reply yet again. Growing impatient he enters the room and finds Keika sleeping. He walks with light footsteps and sits softly on the bed next to Keika, he strokes Keika's hair and says softly, "I'm sorry Keika. I can't tell you till I know what this person wants from you." Keika clutches Ki's hand and opens his eyes, "Ki. Please tell me." He looks at him with pleading eyes and Ki gives in. After all, it was impossible to say no to those irresistible puppy eyes. Ki sighs, "Alright," he says. "We received a letter from a person who wishes to meet you, several letters. He calls himself Chen." "I see..." Keika says blankly. " Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Keika asks. "We don't know what he wants from you. He could be dangerous." Keika stays silent, deep in thought and then suddenly says, "I don't know if it's a coincidence but earlier today I helped a guy named Chen. This necklace," he takes out the necklace and shows it to Ki, "he gave me this." Ki grabs the necklace and examines it, after a while he says, "Looks harmless to me. There you go." He hands the necklace back to Keika and Keika wears it. Keika chuckles looking at Ki's expression, "You worry too much Ki." Ki slightly pouts, "I can't help it. What if you suddenly disappear?" Keika smiles finding this version of Ki cute. "Don't worry, I won't." 

There's silence for a while and Keika breaks it, "Hey Ki. Do you want to listen to a story?" Ki says, "Go ahead." "When I was small I used to play with granny and mom all the time. I have no memories of dad. But you know weirdly today I dreamt of mom and dad. They were smiling at me but then mom suddenly disappeared, and dad drifted far away." Ki's heart sinks looking at Keika's sorrowful expression, he hugs Keika tightly and says, "Don't be sad..." Keika forces a laugh, "It's funny isn't it? Suddenly having a dream like that despite being a spirit." Ki holds Keika even tighter, "You're not just any spirit. You are You Keika, my spirit shadow and nothing can change that." He gently kisses Keika on the forehead. Keika blushes. "You're right. I am You keika. Thank you, Ki." Keika says. Ki smiles at Keika, he pulls Keika off the bed and holds his hand, "Let's go look at the moon. You wanted to see it right? You said it calms you." Absentmindedly Keika replies, "Hmmm, let's go!" They go outside and Keika falls asleep on Ki's shoulder. Ki carries Keika bridal style and tucks him into bed, he gets into bed next to him and falls prey to deep slumber.

The next day Keika and Ki go to a fair for a change of pace. They have fun and finally sit down to rest, "Keika, do you want something to eat? I'll get it for you." Keika finds this image of Ki extremely cool and blinding, he giggles and says, "I want crepe!" Finding Keika cute yet again Ki smiles and says, "All right. Wait right here." Ki goes to get the crepe and drinks for both of them. Keika walks around mindlessly and bumps into someone. "I'm sorry!" he apologizes and immediately freezes. The person he bumps into smiles and says, "It's alright. Be careful next time." The person walks away and Keika sits down, utterly shocked. Ki returns and finds Keika frozen in his spot. He asks him, "What's wrong? What happened?" Keika not able to move looks at Ki, "I'm not dreaming, am I? I...I just...saw Shouken!"


Published on 2018 (sometime around August)

Edited on 25 May 2020

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