Chapter 1: 5 Years Later: Hello Again

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A/N: Thank you, Robin! And thanks to my loyal readers who came along for the journey!

Who knew I would be playing in a charity golf tournament?! Not me, that's for damn sure. I took up the hobby a few years ago because it gave me something special to share with my dad. And I found I liked it! I tend to think of Jamie every time I'm on the golf course, so maybe that's the reason.

We keep in touch periodically, but it's been mostly superficial. I sent him a picture from my first golf lesson, which got him all excited. He texted me about Dulcie losing her first tooth and sent me a picture of him on set for a new super hero movie. His caption was cute: No ropes or handcuffs in this one. And so it went. Just enough to stay somewhat connected, but nothing remotely personal.

And then I got an actual phone call from him. I hated the fact my heart skipped a beat when I heard his ring tone and saw his face. "Hey there. Long time no talk."

I hear him sigh, "I know. It's so good to hear your voice." I can FEEL his smile through the phone. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted you to hear something from me before you read about it."

My spine tenses. "Are you getting ready to welcome another beautiful Dornan baby?" I chirp the words, but my stomach turns and I sit hard on the sofa.

He laughs out loud, "Hardly. I wanted you to know that Amelia and I have filed for divorce. It should all be final in about six months, but it's likely to hit the media in a few days."

I puff out the air in my lungs and feel myself go cold and tingly at the same time. "Oh Jamie, I'm so sorry for you." I AM sorry for him, but also obscenely ecstatic.

"Don't be. We both knew it was a mistake after the first year. Then we went to counseling for another year. Then we separated for a bit and came back together. And we have finally thrown in the towel. Luckily, it's completely amicable. We're both on the same page and we are both committed to the girls, so the settlement is quite easy, as it goes."

My hand covers my mouth as I don't know quite what to say. "How do you feel? Are you REALLY okay with this?"

"Absolutely. I'm confident I did everything I could and I'm comfortable that she is in the same place. I feel nothing but relief, quite honestly. I feel free to start my life over."

I sigh and wipe the tears from my cheeks. "Then I'm happy for you, Jamie. I'm sorry for the pain that I'm sure you've felt, but I'm very happy that you have both landed in a good place."

He coughs, "I have to come to LA next week for fittings for my next movie. Will you be in town? Can we have dinner together?"

My heart constricts. "Well, I'm filming in Italy for a few weeks starting in three days so I won't be here." I pause and take a breath. "And I'm in a relationship now, so I need to be respectful of that."


Fuck me and hell no. A relationship? Shit, double shit, and fuck me sideways. I've seen pictures of her, I ALWAYS see pictures of her. But I've not seen anything to suggest a more permanent fixture in her life.

How to play this, Dornan? Be smart....don't cut ties.

"No worries, love. Maybe next time. I hope your guy knows how lucky he is. Is it serious?" Please say no. Please say no. Please say no.

I hear her hum over the phone, "Well, we've been seeing each other for about 9 months now. He's a good guy. You'd like him."

I mute my phone as I howl NOT A FUCKING CHANCE!

"How did you meet him?"

I mute my phone again and wander in to find my bottle of whiskey. I pluck the cork and take a gulp as she answers me.

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