Chapter 6: FORE Play

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A/N: Thanks for reading! Virtual hug to Robin for the title idea - smooch!

I still in my tracks and resist the urge to snatch her bald and pound her perfect ass with my golf cleats. Instead, I swivel slowly to deliver a cutting glare, which I doubt she can see behind my shades. "Don't you think that's a little insulting to him? Jamie is sensitive and soulful and I think it's going to take more than hot sex to win him."

She reapplies her lipstick and checks herself in a hand mirror as she says, "I'm sure he's sensitive and soulful. But he's not going to show me that side until I get him hooked." She snaps her mirror shut and turns to me with hands on hips, "He's been single for a while now and not linked with anyone. Man has to be horny as hell. That's my entrée."

She bounces, and I do mean, bounces off toward Jamie and Daddy and I take a deep breath to keep from screaming. After several deep breaths, I pull out a club and head to the tee. Bambi is clinging to Jamie like a rash and Daddy walks over with an arched eyebrow, "How was the ride?"

I snort and look over his shoulder to see, praise God, the beer cart arriving. "Just delightful, Daddy. Bambi Bimbo laid out her plans to sex Jamie up to get him over any reservations he has about her age."

Daddy looks over at her, "No shit. Hmm. I didn't peg her for a slut."

I stride to the beer cart and Daddy follows me. I step in close and say quietly, "What do you have that's stronger than beer?"

Daddy raises a brow at me, but says nothing. The beer guy shoots me a grin. "I have all the major spirits back here, Miss."

I clap my hands and throw my head back. "Thank you, God!" I lean into him. "I need a vodka cranberry juice, extra heavy on the vodka if you get my drift."

Daddy clears his throat. "Honey, we have a few holes to go...."

I whip my head at him so hard he steps back to avoid the wrath of my pony tail. "Stow it, Daddy. Not a damn word from you."

Right about then, Jamie and the Bambi bitch stroll up. He orders a beer, of course, and little miss Old Faithful orders a sparkling water. Beer dude hands me my drink, "Your cranberry juice, Miss."

Bless him. I smile and give him a wink, "May I please have another in a to-go cup since we may not see you again?"

He smiles and nods while my Dad shakes his head and looks at the ground. I take my tasty treat and my to-go cup and head back to the cart. I put both in the cup holders and then grab a driver. I couldn't give two shits what the order is at this point, I just want to get this damn day over with. I line it up and drive it and then hop back in the cart to guzzle my drink.

I don't even watch the others tee off. I know it's rude. Sue me. I'm sipping happily when the cart bounces as someone sits. I recognize Jamie's scent immediately and turn to him, "Where's Daddy?"

He nods ahead of him, "He's chatting up Bambi. He's was asking her all kinds of golf questions, so I didn't want to interrupt."

I look at the cart in front of us, and sure enough, Daddy is chatting away, but the Bimbette turns around multiple times to check on Jamie. I say nothing as we ride, just keep sipping my delicious beverage that is taking the edge off of my murderous attitude.

Jamie looks over, "Where's Bruce today?"

I turn to watch the passing scenery, "No idea."

He frowns at me, "You guys are really..." he struggles to find the right word, "not clingy at all, are you."

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