Chapter 4: Realizations

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A/N: Welcome back! This picks up RIGHT where chapter 3 left off.

She turns to me with a smile, "Sure." She giggles and rolls her eyes, "But don't pester him with questions about the future like you've been pestering me. You're not my Dad, Jamie."

I snort. "Hardly. Will he be okay that you were out with me?"

She takes my hand to hop out of the car. "Of course he will. He's not really territorial."

"Then he's a fucking dumb ass. I'd sure as shit be mad."

She grins at me, "Then I guess it's a good thing I'm not dating you."

"Next you'll tell me you guys have never had a fight."

She pauses for a minute, "Actually, I don't think we have." She looks into my eyes, "We're just really compatible, Jamie. There's nothing wrong with that."

I take her chin in my hand, "Are you sure it's compatibility and not complacency?"

She turns away from me, "Yes, Dad. I'm sure. It's called a mature relationship. We're not kids and we don't act like it. It's nice to be in a drama-free situation."

I hold my tongue, but think to myself that you don't act like kids, but you don't act like you're in love either. I take a deep breath as she opens the door and prepare myself to meet her Dr. Doolittle.


I'm more rattled than I let on. I'm not sure I'm ready to see Bruce and Jamie in the same space, and if I'm honest with myself, I know why. It's easy to feel 'fine' with Bruce when it's just us. But Jamie emits an aura that I can't deny and I'm afraid that seeing them together will paint the contrast more vividly than I'm ready to see.

I've never denied to myself how deeply I loved Jamie. But it was a different place and time and we just weren't meant to be. We're different people now, and even though he is free, it doesn't mean we both just uncork all those feelings we bottled up years ago. He said himself he's not ready to date, in fact, he said he hasn't met anybody that makes him want to – while he was sitting directly across from me. I think that is a pretty good indication that his heart isn't in the same place it was before. He was nothing but charming and friendly today. He never crossed any lines. We're re-establishing our friendship and I need to be content with that.

Plus, there's Bruce. God, he's such a good guy. He doesn't deserve to be tossed aside just because an unrealized fantasy came back to town. Come on, Dakota, think with your head.


She steps through the door and I follow, completely unprepared for the sight that meets my eyes. Holy. Fucking. Shit. The blood leaves my head and I take an audible gulp. I was expecting a nerdy doctor, not a goddam super hero. There he stands in nothing but a pair of low slung basketball shorts, clearly just out of the shower. As someone who puts time into maintaining my body, I can appreciate what this man must do. Damn. Dakota can sure pick 'em.

He smiles wide at her, with his sickeningly perfect teeth, "Hey sugar!" He reaches out and gives her a one armed hug and kiss on the top of her head.

Seriously? That's it? They haven't seen each other for weeks and he gives her some lame ass hug? I'd have her pinned up against the wall - I don't care who was watching.

She smiles up at him and leans in to him, resting her hand lightly on his damn sculpted abs. "I'm surprised to see you. I didn't think you were coming home until tomorrow or Monday."

He releases her and scrubs his hands through his hair. "Yeah, well, tomorrow's agenda looked pretty light and I know you're leaving for Paris on Monday, so I thought I'd come home and see if you want to go out and do something tomorrow."

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