Chapter 3: Reunions

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Zep is laying on my bed watching me as I pull out different golf outfits. If I'm going to golf with Jamie, I'm going to look hot doing it, so I scour my closet. His favorite color is blue, so I lay aside a cute little blue skirt and a matching top. Then I look at the top of my closet for a matching visor. I hate it that I'm this focused on my clothes to see him again, but at the same time, I know this is important and I need to feel my best.

I set everything out with a sigh and Chicken immediately hops up and tries to snuggle herself inside my visor. Right about then my phone rings with Jamie's ringtone and I answer breathlessly. "Hey. You still good for this afternoon?"

"Yep. Sure am. I was calling to see if I can pick you up and take you. You are, literally, right around the corner from me, and I'd like to say hi to Zep and meet Chicken."

I pause and think. Do I want him in my space? Do I want my first sighting of him to be on a public golf course? Maybe this is best.

"Okay, sure. That works. Just know that Chicken doesn't usually like men, so if she doesn't respond to you, don't be offended. I think she was abused in her previous life."

"Well that sucks. Okay, I'll be easy with her. Does she like ANY men?"

"She's comfortable with Bruce, but it took a while. She is sort of okay with my Dad, but only half of the time. So, no, not really. She probably won't come near you. That's normal for her."

He sighs, "Got it. So I'll be there in an hour? That work for you?"

"It does. Thanks. See you soon."

My heart is pounding. I can't WAIT to see him. Can't wait. Does that make me a cheater or a slut? I honestly don't know and don't care. I've missed him so badly. I can't help but feel like this meeting is important for both of us. It's been years.


I want to pick her up at her house. I know I'm going to want to hold her close and savor the moment, and the golf course is not the place for that.

I'm ecstatic when she agrees. I resist the urge to shave my beard, which I know is way too bushy for her. Instead, I pat on after shave and cologne, which I know she loves. I scrape my hair back. It's longer and curly, but I also know she likes that, so I simply slick it back with a smile.

Part of me wants to put some cat nip in my pocket to ensure that Chicken loves me, but that just feels wrong, so I don't. But I am damn determined that Bruce is not going to be the only man that damn cat likes. I'll get the lay of the land today and then plan my battle strategy.


The doorbell rings and Zep starts barking. I take a last look in the mirror and pronounce myself as ready as I'll ever be. I open the door and the years fade away as I squeal, "JAMIE!" I hop onto him and wrap my arms around him as I have many times before. His strong arms wrap around me and hold me off the ground as he strides inside and kicks the door shut with a heel.

He sets me down gently, but keeps me close. "I've missed you, love." He kisses my ear and leans back just enough to grip my face with his hands. "You are more beautiful than ever." He bumps my nose and pulls me in again to bury his face in my neck and inhale heavily.

We stand like that for a moment, both soaking in the comfort of being together again after so long apart.

Now it's my turn to lean back. "I'd say the same, but so much of your face is covered by this bush, I can't tell for sure." I giggle and he laughs with me and nuzzles my neck.

"Consider it gone, love. I'll shave it off tonight."

I grip his shoulders, "Oh no! Don't do it for me! I know you hate to shave. You do what works for you."

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