Chapter 8: Welcome to Wootown

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A/N: Thanks again to @honeyrg08 for encouraging me to write this story. And to Robin for her continued (and highly trusted) guidance and unconditional support.

I did a double yoga class to try to steady my nerves before heading to Jamie's. I'm excited to spend time with him, but strangely nervous as well. I think both my head and my heart know he is the 'make or break' man in my life. It killed me to walk away from him five years ago. I don't think I'd survive it again. And I now know my libido is just fine – it was just waiting for him. Further confirmation that he's either gonna make my life complete, or he's gonna break me beyond repair. He's it for me. I've known it since the day I met him. I smile at myself in the mirror as I dry my hair. And now he seems to think I'm it for him. That thought makes my heart flip, my panties melt, and my toes tingle. I want to believe it, but I also know he's been through hell and back and is just now single. I want him to be absolutely sure. I don't want to commit myself only to have him wake up six months from now and realize he never got to play the field a little before settling down again.

I frown at that. Then again, maybe he has been playing the field. I have no idea what he's been doing and if I value my sanity, I won't dissect it. It was hard enough to know he was with Amelia. I don't even want to think of what other women may have shared his bed. Ugh. I shake my head to rid myself of that thought just as my phone pings on the counter beside me. I can't help but smile at the text from Jamie.

Bring Zep and Chicken.

Really? Chicken needs a litter box.

Got one. And I have a bed for Zep. Bring the kids. I don't want you to have an excuse to leave me.

I stare at my phone in stupification. That man.

You're gonna spoil them.

Yep. And I'll spoil you too if you let me. Hurry up and get here.

I swoon a bit and move to pack a bag for the kids and load Chicken into her carrier. "Let's go see Daddy." I pile me, Zep, and Chicken into my car. Stubbornly, I refuse to pack an overnight bag. It feels like jinxing things. But I do bring two nice bottles of wine and a homemade sopapilla cheesecake.

I climb the winding roads to his home and pull into his driveway. There is a carport for two cars and one side is vacant, so I pull in.

Before I turn off my engine, he's popped out the carport door to meet me with a smile. He opens my door and reaches a hand down to help me out. He pulls me right into his arms and hugs me tight. He nuzzles below my ear and moans, "I'm so glad you're here." He brings his head back just enough to meet my eyes. He smiles so big his dimples make an appearance. He rubs his nose along mine. "You know I'm not letting you go, right? I'm keeping you and the kids." He gives me a quick kiss and one hand casually squeezes my ass as he leans in to get Chicken's carrier for me.

My face is hot from my blush and I snicker, "We'll see how you feel after having animals invade your space. We thank you for the invitation, and we're happy to be here, but we will be going home later."

He winks at me, "We'll see." Zep hops out and dances around his feet, giving a few yelps for attention. Jamie obliges him with some ear scratches and repeated murmurs of doggie nonsense.

I grab the wine and the cheesecake and follow him to the door, which he opens for me, standing back, allowing me to enter first. Well, after Zep that is, who already tore into the house. I pray his good manners don't desert him. I walk through a good-sized laundry room and into a really nice kitchen. I put my stuff on the counter and look around in awe. "Wow, Jamie. This kitchen is amazing. I hate to say it, but it's better than mine."

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