Chapter 5: Gonna Get the Girl

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I met up with Rory's party in the clubhouse and was surprised to find a woman in the group. "Jamie, this is Bambi Fox. She's new on the LPGA tour and is giving everyone a run for their money."

She's adorable. Short, blonde, perky, and very young. "Hello Bambi. Very nice to meet you."

A blush graces her face, but she doesn't shrink or start to fangirl. "Nice to meet you as well. Glad you are joining us. I know you're a great player. I like to play with men because they force me to elevate my game."

I give her a grin, "I have a feeling I'll be working hard to keep up with you."

We have an enjoyable afternoon. The game is competitive, but comfortable. On the 17th hole Bambi turns to me, "I'm playing in a charity tournament this weekend and need a partner. Would you be interested in playing with me?"

I cut my eyes to Rory who gives me a subtle nod. This is my 'in' to the tournament. "If you're sure, then yes. I'd love to."

She nods, "I'm sure. You're a good player, and you're fun! Not to mention great eye candy. Our pictures will be great!"

I throw my head back, "Well at least you led with 'good player'... thanks. I'll take that as a compliment."

Step one accomplished. I'm in the tournament. Now I just hope Rory can get me and Bambi partnered with Don and Dakota. The evil part of me can't wait to see Dakota's reaction. If she got jealous at the beer cart girl, how will she react to Bambi? Hopefully it will bring out her territorial instincts and she'll want to claim me. I'm ready to be claimed.


Don and I are on the 5th tee when I finally work up the nerve to bring up the good doctor. "So, I met Bruce this weekend. He seems like a good guy."

Don adjusts his hat and smirks, "Yes, he is. He's a very good guy." He says nothing more and I know the ball is in my court.

"So you approve?"

He looks at me with a raised brow, "Approve of what?"

I shuffle my feet, "Of him as a husband for Dakota."

He chuckles, "If he ever got around to it, maybe. They don't seem to be on that path."

Now it's my turn to frown, "What path are they on?"

He shrugs, "Son, she's well past the age when I can question her about her boyfriend or her intentions."

That's no answer. Damn. I'm trying to come up with another question when he fires at me, "So what's up with you, son? I know you're divorced. Are you involved with anyone? Where's your head?"

I shake my head and smile. In my mind I'm thinking, 'my head is consumed by your daughter,' but I can't say that. "I'm getting my feet back under me. I know what I want, but I think it's going to take some work."

He studies me closely without speaking. After a bit he says, "Son, don't settle for anything that doesn't stoke the fire in your soul." He looks up at the sky and sighs before turning back to me, "THAT is my only problem with Bruce. When Dakota is with him, her eyes don't shine. I know she loves him, and God knows he treats her well, but I don't see an iota of fire and that concerns me. At the same time, that makes me grateful they aren't headed for the altar. If she wanted to marry him, I would support her, but I'll be honest, as great as he is, I just don't think he's the one for her."

I cross one arm across my chest as my other hand rubs my lips, "I hope I'm not overstepping, but I tend to agree. I was only with them for a few minutes, but she doesn't seem to be herself with him." I put my hands on my hips and throw my head back before looking at him, "They had been apart for nearly a month and she didn't run to him and hug him, and all he did was offer a lame assed one-armed hug and a kiss to the top of her head."

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