Chapter 11: Wakeup Call

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Beep! Beep! Beep! I roll over, groggy, and reach for my phone that is ringing with Evelyn's signature ring tone. "Ev, it's not even 7:00. Why are you blasting me?"

"Listen up, Buttercup. Bambi is making hay and I have been lambasted with requests for your reactions to the SI article. This isn't going to go away. What do you want me to do? Think carefully, my friend, before you hitch your wagon to this one."

I groan and sit up. "Not hitching my wagon to her in any way, shape, or form. My official statement is that she is a great golfer and a lovely young lady. I have golfed with her twice and have no plans to golf with her in the future."

She sighs, "And they will immediately ask about your relationship off of the golf course."

I snort, "Jesus, Evelyn, you know me better than that. There is NO relationship off of the golf course. I have been in her presence exactly twice, and given the request of Dakota I will not be in her presence again either on or off the course."

She taps away, "Can I reveal your relationship with Dakota? Is there a relationship?"

I scrub my hands through my hair, "Yes, there is a relationship, but it's tenuous. And hell no, you can't mention her. That's up to her PR person. Don't drag her into this, just get me out of it."

She scoffs, "Easier said than done, but I will do the best I can."

"Thanks, Ev. I'm leaving this afternoon to meet Dakota in Milan tomorrow, so I will be out of pocket for a while. I trust you to take care of things. I'll call you tomorrow."


My heart is happy knowing that Jamie is on his way. We've only been able to talk once in the last two days and mostly to arrange logistics. Part of me was hopeful that he would utter those three little words, but then again, I'd rather hear them for the first time in person. I'm still reveling in his ILY text, not to mention his commitment to not see Bambi again.

I curl up to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live, knowing the Bimbette is going to be on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are privileged to have the most prestigious woman golfer on the PGA tour and the new cover model for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Please welcome Bambi Fox!"

And. There. She. Is. All perfectly glowing bitch in a fab dress and heels to die for, making her legs look like they go on for fucking days. I look around – there is not enough alcohol in my suite to get me through this. I uncork my last bottle of wine and sit down with it – it's just me, who cares if I drink straight from the bottle? I take a swig and sit back to watch Miss FuckMeFox.

After a few innocuous questions about her training and career, they flash the SI picture of her and Jamie on the screen. Jimmy smiles at her, "So, care to tell us more about this?"

She giggles and I swallow another big swig. "Nope!" She pops the 'p' and crosses her legs and smiles at the audience. What a bitch. She is so playing it.

Jimmy waits for the audience reaction to die down, "So, is there a personal relationship here? His stance is that you played golf twice and have no future plans."

She puts her hands over her eyes and giggles again before looking at him, "Well of course that is his stance. Next question?"

Jimmy smiles at her, "So that's not a no...."

She shifts her legs again and smiles coyly at him, "My personal life is just that, personal. So I don't answer questions about my relationships."

I chug some more wine. I will fucking eat this bitch for breakfast. Her, her long legs and her blonde hair are going downnnnnn....

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