It was...

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"Who cures us was Neal" I say. "Neal" Killian says. "Yes don't you remember" I say. "No" he says.

"Neal I love Killian now I'm sorry but we're over" I say. "You can love a pirate Emma" he says. "But I do and you can't stop us" I say. "Yea I can" he says. "And how is that" I say. "By setting a cure the dark cure" he says. "Neal you can you will have to kill the thing you love most" I say. "No I find another way all I have to do is take some blood of the thing I love most and that would be you or Henry" he says. "No Neal I'm not letting you do this" I say. "See you will" he says. I ran out of his house and he was running after me. So how he stopped me. I looked back and seen Lily. "Lily why are you helping him" I say. "Because you messed my life up and I'm going to mess your up" she says. "Lily please you can't do this" I say. "Well I am" she says. She walks up to me and cuts my hand then she puts it in a cup. "Thank you Lily" Neal says. Then they both vanished.

It's been 2 days and Neal has not casted the cures and I have not seen him so I think he stopped. Me and Killian was on the couch watching a movie the kid was asleep. "I love you Mrs. Jones" he says. "I love you too Mr. Jones" I says. We smile and kiss.

It's been 3 days and me, Killian, Hope, and Henry was at granny's. "Hi Emma" Neal says. "Neal what are you doing here" I say. "Well just wanted to know how you have been" he says. Killian put an arm around me and one around Henry and Hope. "What your cure didn't work" I say. "No it worked I just wanted you to know you have 2 days till my cures hits have fun with your family" he says and walks out. "Are you ok Swan" Killian says. "Yay" I say.

It's been 2 days. "Killian I can't lose you" I say. "You won't we will always know each other even if we don't" he says. We hug and I'm holding Hope and his holding Henry. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" he says.

End flashback.

"I remember now" he say. "Good now what are we going to do" I say. "Nothing right now lets get play with the kids" Killian says. "Ok yea your right" I say. We play with the kids and Killian calls Liam to see if we can keep Hope for the night and he says yes. "I can't believe how good Hope looks" I say. "Yea she looks as beautiful as her mom" Killian says.  "Stop" I say hitting his arm. "So how are we going to do this me keep here or you" I say. "You can keep her I get to see her a lot" he says. "Are you sure" I say. "Aye" he say.

We got to my house I mean our house I hate that we're cures I just want it to me like old times we walk in and we put Hope and Henry to bed then we sit on the couch watching a movie and I fall a sleep on Killian's chest he takes me to bed and he gets in bed and falls asleep to and then in the morning I get up make breakfast and we live happily ever after but we don't live in a happy fairytales I mean if we did I would not be married to Captain Hook but I don't care I love him.

"Swan" Killian says. "Yea sorry what" I say. "You have to go before Neal finds out" he say. "Fuck Neal Killian I want you" I say. "Emma" Neal yells. "Neal" I say not in a scared way in a mad way. "What are you doing with him" he says. I punch him in the face. "What the fuck Emma" he says. "I want you out of my house and I want you to never touch my son ever again" I say. "Oh so your a wake will listen here I'm not letting you go I don't care what you think your mine" he say. He grabs my hand and pulls me. "Neal let go of me" I say. "No if your going to be a bitch to me I'm go to trite you like one" he says. I try to pull away. "Let me go" I say. "Shut up" he say. He goes to slap me but Killian grabs his hand I won't do that if I was you" he says. "Now why would I listen to you" Neal says. "Because when someone try's to hurt my wife I will hurt them" Killian say. "So your a wake to" he say. "Aye and this is for cures me" Killian say and punch's him in the nose and it starts blooding. "And this is for try to take my family away from me" he say and push's Neal on the ground. "Killian come on" I say. Pulling his arm. "Ok swan sorry" he says. "It's ok he deserves it" I say. "I love you" he say. "I love you too" I say. We walk to the car and get the kids out. We walk in the house and I lock it and we put the kids to bed. "So what do we do now" I say. "Nothing we just be happy your together again" he say. "I love you" I say. "We say that a lot" he say. "Aye but it's true" I say. "See that you picked up on my pirate talk" he say. "Maybe a little" I say. "I knew there was I little pirate in you swan" he says. I smile. "Let's get you to bed" he say. He picks me up and walks to the bedroom. "You know I could have just walked" I say. "Aye but I like to pack you" he say. He puts me on the bed "ok now where is your clothes at" he say. "Killian I got it go change" I say. "What do you mean I don't have clothes here" he says. "Yes you do I guess when we was cure it didn't take your clothes there in the box in the closet now I'm going to change" I say.

When we both change we get in bed. "Good night love" he say. "Goodnight Killian" I say. I lay on his chest and he puts his arms around me like I'm going to disappear. I smile and slowly fall asleep. 

I was holding Emma and I was hoping this would before but we have to broke the cures and everyone is still cures so nope I look at my Swan and she has a smile on her face she looks so beautiful sleeping I fall a sleep and dream about my swan.

Hope you like it.

What do you think Neal will do now?

I don't know when I can update again I was going to yesterday but the power was out hope you liked it
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I know Once upon a time is off but it's Once day.

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