{chapter 5}

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1732 words

-To cause someone to become motionless with horror, wonder, or astonishment.

16th February {pt.1}

Slowly I sat up as I felt the warmth of the sunlight, that poured through the window, on my arm. I felt a sharp stab of pain as I stretched out my limbs, being reminded of the events of yesterday.

I'd fallen asleep not long after Jungkook had called, after eating and leaving a note to my mother saying I'd eaten already so not to worry when she got home. I groaned as walked to the bathroom realising she was going to see my injuries today.

I went about my morning routine thinking of nothing in particular and when I was ready I walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning mom" I called out as I approached the kitchen, in which my mother was. I walked into her making herself a cup of tea like she does every morning.

"Yoongi!" I heard her say, almost gasping when she turned around.

"Eh yes?" I said nervously, my mom's really kind, honestly but she's protective I guess. And I mean I'd be fed up if my kid was getting into as many fights as I do to be fair.

"What have you gotten yourself into this time" she sighed, exasperation evident in her motherly tone.

"It wasnt even my fault" I replied.

"That's what you say everytime, I want you to tell me exactly what it was about."

"Well, if you really wanna know" I replied, holding back a sigh as she nodded in response.

"Some guy in my year was giving Tae, Jungkooks boyfriend, trouble not far from school when the others were gone. He was being really homophobic, calling Tae a slut and getting handsy thinking no one else was there, but I was and wasn't gonna let him hurt Tae." I replied honestly, not bothering to lie as I knew my mom would prefer this explanation over any others I could have come up with.

It was quiet for a few moments before my mom spoke up again "Well that's better than your usual reasons I guess" she said sighing "Look I get that you wanted to protect your friend and your right you shouldn't have let him carry on, but it doesn't always have to be violent Yoongi. You need to control your anger."

"I won't nag you so much because of your reasons this time but you have to stop getting into so many fights Yoongi. I'm your mom it's my job to protect you."

"I know, sorry mom" I replied feeling slightly guilty.

"It's okay, I forgive you just think next time. Please." she said stressing the last word.

"I will, thank you for understanding"

"No promblem Yoongi, I understand your reasoning but that doesn't mean I'm saying your actions were okay. Remember that."

"Yes mom, love you"

"Love you too" she replied as she walked out I'd the kitchen with her tea to get ready. I then decided to make myself some coffee and cereal before grabbing my bag and leaving the house.

~Time skip to lunch~

The steady hum of noise present in the cafeteria died down as me, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook stepped inside. Rolling my eyes I walked over to the furthest table I could see, not really wanting to be bothered by people, and having them hear our conversations.

Soon everyone began to talk again like the juvenile teenagers they are, the topic of course being me. They probably think I'm a dick who beat him up for no reason whatsoever, put its for the best anyway.

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