{chapter 16}

41 3 2

1507 words

-the state of being calm, peaceful and untrouble
-title given to reigning Prince or similar dignitary

18th February {pt.6}

The breath on my neck began to slow to a steady pace, the small boy in my arms falling unconscious. An aura of tranquillity wrapped itself around the two of us. Soft, warm and comforting as we stayed in each others embrace.

Soon Namjoon came over, taking my attention away from Jimin as he sat on the edge on one the sofas.

"You two need to get a room" he joked.

"Well hello to you to Namjoon"

"On a serious note how are things between you too," he asked.

"Good, I think," I said, looking at Jimin and smiling "he's just a bit wary, I guess. I don't mind though. I'm fine with reassuring him and waiting, it doesn't even seem like a task which is kind of strange"

"Not really. You care for him so of course you want to reassure him and you like being around him, so it won't seem like your waiting for anything, just being with him ."

"Well damn" I replied I'm always shocked at how quickly Namjoon can sort through emotions and eloquently voice his thoughts "Your right though, everything seems really natural with him"

"You just enjoy his presence and honestly it's the purest thing ever," he said, I just smiled as I couldn't argue with his statement, choosing to overlook the second half of it.

"Just so you know I'll probably leave soon, Jungkook and Taehyung drank loads and-"

"Let me guess you don't want them leaving on their own" I interrupted, knowing the way he cared for the two.

"Pretty much, yeah. I'll get them home" he replied. Namjoon held a distinctive protectiveness when it came to Jungkook, the pair having a past, and he'd quickly developed the same for Taehyung when the two started dating.

"Well I was thinking of leaving so Jimin can sleep properly so they can just stay at mine" I suggested "I know Jimin was meant to be staying at Taes tonight, but I don't trust those two with a half-asleep Jimin who's also been drinking. I think it's better if they all stay at mine, so I'll call a taxi"

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yes, you're always the responsible one, go have fun"

"Okay, I'll tell Jin when I see him. I'll leave you and your boy" he teased.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone and called for a taxi. After giving the guy on the other end our location and saying a quick thanks I put my phone beside me, facing upwards so I'd know when the driver arrived.

I brought my attention back to the precious boy sat in my lap. I let my hands comb through the pink strands, each one falling back gracefully to frame his face.

Each movement was slow and passive. Each touch gentle. Everything with Jimin was gentle because Namjoon was right, I loved being around Jimin.

He seemed calm; serene even. His eyelids delicately closed. Lips pouting slightly, accompanied by soft breaths, warm air tumbling gracefully onto my neck in small puffs as his arms hung loosely around my neck, small fists grabbing onto the different fabrics.

Observing his carefree state relaxed me, we seemed to have a similar effect on each other. I like the state of relaxation I subconsciously possess whenever I'm around him and I definitely like that I can make him calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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