{chapter 6}

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1539 words

-The period between childhood and adult age
-a young man

16th February {pt.2}

I grabbed my bag, dragging myself out of my seat as the 3 o'clock bell rung. Slowly, I dragged myself to the door of the classroom, walking behind the swarm of students leaving class. I didn't mind being last out the room, it would just mean I avoided the buzz of students desperate to get home.

I let my mind drift back to Jimin, God he was so cute, how had I not noticed him before?

Eventually, I began walking through the arts block towards the exit when I heard a soft melody coming from one of the dance rooms.

Here we go
Oh oh oh

It sounded familiar to me, maybe hoseok danced to it?

I peered through the glass section of the door planning to see if Hoseok was going to stay late again tonight like yesterday, immediately assuming it was him.

But what I saw took me by surprise. In the centre if the room, alone, was Jimin; dancing gracefully to the the familiar melody. I guess both him and Hoseok had learnt it in class. I stood in awe, completely transfixed by the amazing boy I front of me, as the music played on.

And the lights start flashing like a photo booth
And the starts exploding
We'll be fire proof
My youth
My youth is yours
Trippin' on skies
Sippin' waterfalls
My youth
My youth is yours
Run away now and forevermore
My youth
My youth is yours
The truth so loud I can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours

A/N: Jimin changed into these clothes to dance and imagine he has pink hair.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, every move was so perfect, so graceful and passionate. I stood and watched as he flowed effortlessly into each move with an amazing sense of confidence. I let my eyes follow him around the room, taking in every detail from the way his fluffy hair stuck to his forehead with sweat to how his beautiful, plump lips mouthed each word so cutely.

Before i knew it the song had come to and end and I found myself already through the doors and in the studio. All that could be heard was jimins pants for breath and shit, it was fucking hot.

After a few moments of Jimin attempting to catch his breath he turned around, meeting my eyes.

"Hey" I said cooly, as my eyes flickered up and down his body.

"Hey" he almost whispered, looking down at the floor as he shifted from one foot to another.

"Sorry, I just overheard your music and got curious" I said, mentally face palming at myself for not explaining my presence sooner.

I supppresed a smile as I heard a faint "It's okay" from the small boys lips.

Slowly, I stepped forward towards the boy. Frowning as I saw him taking small steps backwards towards the far side of the room as I approached.

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