{chapter 15}

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2071 words

-the base on which something stands
-the act of founding or establishing something/ the state of being founded or established

18th February {pt.5} 

"I want you to know that I really do like you Jimin" although I wasn't looking at him, I could hear the honesty in his voice as he spoke quietly; close to my ear before he began to trail soft kisses along my jawline. His lips moving closer to mine with each statement that left his lips.

"I hope that someday you'll be able to see that without doubting it and I promise that I'll prove myself to you," he whispered. "Because that trust takes time to build and I am prepared to wait for it," he said softly, his thumb moving to rest on my bottom lip "to earn it"

I couldn't stop the smile that found its way to my lips, parting them to speak "Your amazing Yoongi" I said quietly, a light blush rising to my cheeks.

"Um I'm sorry to interrupt, like really believe me," Taehying laughed awkwardly, ripping my attention away from Yoongi as he approached the two of us. 

"Don't you have something you could be doing with Kook," Yoongi said, his attention not moving from me as he rested his head on my shoulder slightly, his hand coming down to my side. Moving enough so that he could address Taehyung without letting go of his hold on me.

"Well I'd rather be but Hoseok sent me to find you"

"Why?" he asked as he turned to face Taehyung, keeping his hand round my side as he pulled me into his side.

"Something about some guy you know being here, someone you haven't seen in ages"

"Do you remember his name?" he tilted his head as he tried to think.

"Jackson, I think"

"Wait I haven't seen Jackson like two years!" he exclaimed.

"I'm guessing that's the right name then" I smiled at how excited he'd gotten as I remembered being introduced to a Jackson earlier, he seemed nice "you two close?"

"Yeah, I've known him since I was little. I guess I must have been about 4 when he moved to our road. His mom found out that that was a kid his age a few houses down so sent him round to knock on the door, from then on we would always play together on our front lawns or ride our bikes down the street that our houses were on. I still remember going up tot he old basketball courts with him when we got a bit older" he reminisced, smiling faintly.

"That's really sweet. Did he move away or something?"

"Yeah, to Tokyo but u guess he's back"

"Hey," Hoseok said, putting an arm around Taehyung "I'm guessing Tae told you about Jackson"

"Yeah, I thought he'd moved away permanently" Yoongi replied.

"So did I, I don't really know what happened. Anyway, he's in there" Hoseok pointed to one of the rooms near the end of the corridor.

"Go talk to him," I said "I'm sure he'll want to see you from what you said"

"We were in the middle of a conversation though"

"Yeah, real nice conversation" I heard Taehyung mutter with a stifled laugh, making me sigh as I looked at him disapprovingly.

"We can talk later and if it makes you feel any better, I heard everything I needed too," I said truthfully "you haven't seen the guy in like two years"

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