{chapter 10}

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2034 words

-of or concerning the use of judgement
-having or displaying an overly critical point of view

17th February {pt.2}

I rolled my eyes as I glanced over at the two, what I can only describe as idiots before me, who sat leisurely on the end of Taehyungs bed. Taehyung had just finished recalling the events of Wednesday and reassuring a protective Jin, with my help of course. But now the two had moved onto a new topic and I almost wished I hadnt helped finish the dragged out conversation.

I threw a pillow at the pair as I sat lay down against the headboard of the bed and scowled at the choice of topic. Me.

"Well, speaking of Yoongi, I want to know about him" Jin continued "especially since he seems to have taken a liking to our Jiminie" Jin taunted, looking at Taehyung and me expectantly.

Taehyung deciding to speak up as I spaced out slightly. Wondering if he'd called me that just to tease me, considering Yoongi had called me that a lot today and the fact he'd never called me that before.

"Well, he's kind of difficult to understand if you don't really know him so a lot of people get the wrong idea. But he's a really good person, he's just wary with who he lets in. He's selective in that respect, I guess. He's not the type to express much emotion but it doesn't mean he's emotionless you know, it can seem like he's kinda indifferent, I guess? But he does care, that's something I can tell you for sure"

"I suppose, I mean its kinda hard to believe," Jin said.

"Jin seriously" I cut in, my tone a mix of disappointment and anger "Can you please stop going off what you've heard about him, Tae literally just said most people get the wrong idea. That can include you-you know! It is possible for your almighty first impression to be wrong. At least listen to Tae he knows him more than either of us."

"Whoa no need to get so defensive Jimin" Jin retorted, slightly shocked.

"I'm not being so defensive" I mocked "I've asked you not to jump to conclusions like this before. I'm asking you to not be so judgemental, just once.I've asked you not to jump to conclusions like this before, you were like this yesterday as well, and you apologised for it but now your just doing it again!"

"Look, I'm sorry if I upset you. I know I'm too judgemental but I really wasn't trying to be like that. I realise how it sounds but I was gonna say hard to believe at first."

"Oh" I breathed "I should have let you finish I'm sorry"

"No, no I understand why you got upset. Yes, I meant at first because like you mentioned Tae said people often get the wrong idea and I was acknowledging that. But I was still clinging on to that idea really and I was being judgemental and for that I'm sorry" Jin replied sincerely.

"Its okay Jin, don't worry about it," I said smiling.

Soon the two were teasing me about how 'protective' i was being before Tae decided to carry on.

"Well as I was saying" Taehyug laughed "He just doesn't really give too much away but to be honest as you get to know him you start to recognise things. Little things that show he cares that you wouldn't notice on first meeting him"

"But one thing I have noticed is he hasn't been very reserved with Jimin. That's the most open I've seen him be to such a new person and I haven't known him as long as the other guys but I feel like they'd agree anyway. I mean that has to prove something Jin, that he does care about Jimin"

I could see Jin smile softly at Taehyungs words, seemingly in content. At this point, I was a blushing mess but Jin decided to taunt me further anyway. "Jiminie git noticed by his crush, Jiminie got noticed by his crushhh" he teased, in a sing-song voice

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