Chocolate Dipped Donuts With Sprinkles

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Chyler invited me over to Anniston's 9th birthday this weekend. She had told me that I was Anniston's first request when Chyler asked her who she wanted at her party. Chyler had I had been friends for years, so I've known all of her kids since they were born. I was heading out to the store to get Anni a present and the cake Chyler asked me to pick up. I bought Anni a new bike since her brother, Noah, ran it over with his dirt bike.
I left the bike in the car when I went in to get the cake. There was a man and a woman in line waiting so I stood back and leaned up against the wall. The man just finished ordering donuts. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was a text from Chy.
Chyler: Where r u? Anniston's looking for you
Me: I'll be there soon, I'm just getting the cake.
Chyler: Okay, hurry! Drive safe, love u 😘
Me: Ok. Love u too.
I put my phone back in my pocket. I heard "Next", so without looking, I walked forward. And stupid me, I crashed right into the man, knocking donuts everywhere. I immediately bent down picking them back up.
"I'm so sorry." I said not looking up. "Chocolate dip with sprinkles, my favourite, and now they're on the floor."
I heard him laugh, then he bent down to help. "No, it's okay."
"No, it's not. Again, I'm really sorry." I said looking up and meeting his eyes. They were a blue, the kind of blue that you could get lost in forever by just looking at them once.
"Umm..." I said looking back down and picking up the last donut.
We both stood up at the same time.
"Can I buy you some more? Please?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. I felt sooooo bad.
"No, no. It's fine." He said smiling.
"Please?" I said. I was practically begging.
He stared at me for a little longer before accepting my offer. "Okay." He said laughing again.
I bought him another box and handed it to him.
"Thank you......." he squinted his eye waiting for me to introduce myself.
"Oh, right! Ummm, Melissa, Melissa Benoist." I held out my hand.
He shook it. "Chris Wood," he pointed to the woman who was standing behind him. "This is AnnaSophia."
    I held out my hand to her and she shook it.
    "His girlfriend." She said smiling.
    "Okay......" I muttered quietly. "Umm, enjoy your donuts!"
    He smiled. "Will do. Bye, Melissa." He said still standing in the same spot.
    I smiled. AnnaSophia grabbed his arm and guided him to the back of the store to get napkins. I got my cake and left the store. When I came out, there was a big black dog who's leash was tied to a tree. His tail immediately started wagging so I gave him a quick pat before I walked to my car and drove off to Chylers house.

    I let myself in and placed the cake on the counter. Chyler came from outside and started talking.
    "Thank goodness you're here. These kids have been driving me insane. Half of them want cake, half of them want to go......." She stoped talking.
    I looked up to see why, she had that look on her face when she's suspicious about something.
    "Melissa?....." She asked.
"Is there anything you would like to tell me?" She said inching her way closer to me.
I blushed a little. "No."
"Nothing! I just bumped into a guy at the store, knocked his donuts on the floor so I helped him pick them up and bought him new ones. That's it." I said not looking at her and getting a knife to cut the cake. I turned around and she was standing right behind me an inch from my face, I jumped.
"Chyler! I could have stabbed you." I walked around her to the cake.
"Melissa! This is amazing! You haven't dated anybody since that....guy.... See! I don't even remember his name. That just proves that......yeah what was his name?"
"Blake!" She snapped her fingers. "Blake, really? Anyway, this could be the guy for you."
    "He has a girlfriend."
    "That didn't stop me."
    "Nothing. Look, Melissa, you can't live the rest of your life living alone with Farley. You need to get back out there."
    "I'll think about it."
    "Okay, that's a start. Now help me find the candles so we feed these monsters."


    I had just moved into the city so I could be closer to AnnaSophia, my girlfriend. If it were my choice, I wouldn't of moved. Things haven't been going so good for me and Anna, at least for me. Anna thinks everything's fine. But when the world revolves around you, everything's fine. Drift has been lonely lately and I read that there's a dog park here that lots of other dogs go to so I figured that was a pro to moving here. Plus, Anna is the only person who's been visiting lately and her and Drift don't really get along. I guess he's just used to it being just me and him.
    I moved into a cozy little loft closer to outside the city about a five minute walk from the dog park. Anna said it would be a great idea if we went to get donuts. I told her I was gonna take Drift, neither of them were too happy about going with each other. But we went.
    I tied Drifts leash to the tree since no dogs were allowed in. I told him to sit and Anna and I went inside. I ordered my favourite, chocolate dip with sprinkles. I took the box and when I turned around, I crashed right into someone and the box of donuts spilt everywhere. She immediately bent down and started picking them up.
    "I'm so sorry." She said. "Chocolate dip with sprinkles, my favourite. And now they're on the floor."
    I laughed and bent down to help. "No, it's okay."
    "No it's not. Again, I'm really sorry." She said looking up.
    I met her eyes. Her eyes were the most beautiful mixture of blue I had ever seen. Light blue like the sky in the centre and a dark blue like the ocean on the outside. I could stare at them forever.
    "Ummm," She said looking back down picking up the last donut. We both stood up at the same time. "Can I buy you some more please?" She asked
    "No, no. It's fine." I said smiling.
    "Please?" She must've felt really bad because her eyes kind of sparkled when she asked me and I knew she wouldn't stop asking until I said yes.
    "Okay." I said laughing again.
    She walked over and bought me another box and handed it to me. "Thank you......" I realized she never told me her name, so I squinted my eyes hoping she'd catch on.
    Then she clued in. "Oh, right! Ummm, Melissa, Melissa Benoist." She held out her hand for me to shake. I shook it.
    "Chris Wood." I forgot Anna had been standing behind me this whole time so I pointed behind me and introduced her. "This is AnnaSophia."
    They both shook hands.
    "His girlfriend." Anna confirmed, which kind of embarrassed me because, deep down, I knew she wasn't gonna be my girlfriend much longer.
    "Okay....." I heard Melissa mutter under her breath.  "Umm, enjoy your donuts!"
    "Will do." I responded. "Bye, Melissa."
    She smiled and walked out the door. Anna pulled my arm towards the back of the store.
    "What was that?" She asked annoyed.
    "What was what?"
    "Uhh, 'hi, my name's Melissa, my name's Chris'." She said imitating our voices.
    "Anna, she was a friendly girl, she bumped into me and bought us more donuts."
    "Bought you more donuts." She said leaving out the back door.
    I rolled my eyes and looked out the window at Drift who was wagging his tail and jumping up on someone. I stepped a little closer because he's never done that to anyone ever but me. I realized it was Melissa. I smiled and got all warm inside.

Authors Note: Hey, sorry this first chapter was a bit short, I'm gonna try and make the next ones a bit longer. Comment how you think the story will go, and I may use some of your suggestions. I hope you enjoy!

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