Just Like Her Owner

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I woke up and my eyes immediately went to the TV, the credits from a movie we're playing. I went to get up then I stopped. I was so tired I had totally forgotten that I was at Melissa's loft. It was dark out, I checked the time and it read 11:15pm.
I looked down at Melissa who was fast asleep. I still had my arm around her. She was nuzzled into my side. She was in a deep sleep, nothing could wake her up. I stared at her for a while. Not in a creepy way, but, a loving way. She was probably the most beautiful woman on this planet. Her long brown hair was tucked behind her ear except for one piece that fell in her face. I gently slid my fingers across her forehead tucking the piece behind her ear then kissed her forehead.
She made a little noice that made me smile and she moved closer to me still sleeping. I pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. I noticed something on her neck. Gently, I moved her hair back away from her neck. I sighed. Anna's ex-boyfriend had left a bruise on her neck. All the memories came back.
I kept playing the same thing over and over again in my head. Looking at Melissa's bruise only made me think of when I stared into her eyes as she called for help and a tear ran down her cheek. I could never forget how helpless she looked and I felt.
She told me it wasn't my fault, but she could say nothing to make me believe her. I was the one who broke up with Anna, which made her run back to her ex-boyfriend. Because of him, they both had taken drugs. And lastly, because of my love for Melissa, they tried to kill her. It was my fault. And I had to learn to live with it.


Chyler has brought me donuts, chocolate and flowers almost everyday for a week. I don't know why, I didn't do into a coma. But it made her happy so I let her. Today, she opened the door half way and stood there.
"Hi?" I said confused on what she was doing.
"Hello." She has a weird smile on her face. That same one she has when she's figured something out or when's she's done something shes proud of.
"What did you do?" I said taking a sip of my hot chocolate.
    "Not what did i do, who did I bring."
    She opened the door and Katie, a friend who went to college with me and Chyler was standing there with her arms wide open.
    "Katie!" I ran up into her arms and hugged her. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
     "I'm here for business so Chyler offered for me to stay at her place."
     "How long are you here for?"
     "A week."
    "That's enough time to catch up." I said laughing a little.
    Chyler cut in. "It's also enough time for you to tell us everything about, Chris." She said raising her eyebrows.
     "Chris?" Katie asked.
    "He's Melissa's new Boyfriend." Chyler said.
    Katie gasped. "Melissa, is this true? You have a boyfriend?!?!"
    "Yeah...." I said blushing.
    "All right!" She threw her arms up in the air.
    "All right what?" I said.
    "I am inviting myself in your cozy little loft so you can tell me everything about....Chris."


    I went to the store and got donuts for Melissa and myself. I went to her loft and knocked on her door. Melissa opened it and immediately had a smile on her face.
    I held the box up. "Donuts."
    "I see that." She said laughing and taking the box. "Come in."
    I walked in and I saw Chyler and another girl who I've never seen.
    "Hey Chris." Chyler said.
    The other girl's jaw dropped when Chyler said my name. She turned to Chyler and mouthed,
    "He's Hot."
    And Chyler responded by mouthing, "I know."
Then the girl who I didn't recognize spoke up. "So, you're Chris....The Boyfriend." She said raising her eyebrows. I looked over at Melissa who was smiling and giggling.
"That would be me. And you are?....."
"Right. My name is Katie, I went to college with Melissa and Chyler."
    We stood there for a moment in awkwardness. Melissa broke it by laughing causing us all to laugh.
    Katie and Chyler both stood up at the same time and Chyler spoke up. "Well it's about time Katie and I headed home for supper, so we'll leave you two alone." She said still laughing heading out the door with Katie.
    "Bye guys!" Melissa said waving.
    I walked over to the door and closed it behind them. I turned back around and looked at Melissa who had a mischievous look on her face.
    "What?" I said smiling and walking closer to her.
    "Nothing. I just....like having you here." She said blushing a little.
    "Yeah?" I said wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her warm body against mine.
    I slowly lean in and kiss her. When I pull away I lick my lips tasting chocolate. "Melissa Marie Benoist. Did you already eat a donut and not offer me one?"
    "Of course not. They're all still in the box" she said trying to keep a serious face while there was a tiny crinkle forming between her eyebrows.
    "Am not. You have no proof."
    "Oh really?" I lean in and kiss her again. "'Cause you taste like chocolate."
    She smiled even more. "Fine! I had one."
    "I win." I unwrapped my arms and opened the donut box back open. "There are two missing." I said to her raising my eyebrows.
    "Farley had one." She said with her hands behind her back trying not to laugh. I look over at Farley who's on the bed. I whistle and she looks up at me with her face covered in chocolate. I laughed taking a bite of a donut remembering something. "Crap! I forgot Drift." I was about to tell her I'd be right back so I could go get him, then i remembered what happened last time I went to go get Drift. She obviously did too, because I saw all the fear return to her eyes. I could tell she was holding back a few tears.
I walked over to her and wrapped my arms protectively around her. "It's okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like I did last time. Hey, Mel," I said holding her face in my hands making her look up at me. She only let out one tear. "Why don't you and Farley just come with me and you can stay the night there with me, is that good?"
She smiled and nodded.


Chris, Farley and I walked over to Chris's apartment to spend the night. When we got there, Drift jumped up on me knocking me over onto the ground licking my face.
"Drift stop." I said laughing.
"Drift come here." Chris said holding a dog bone in his hand. Drift obeyed and took the bone from Chris and started chewing on his bed. We were two seconds in the door and Farley was already passed out on the couch.
Chris walked over and picked me off the floor one hand under my legs and the other wrapped around my back. He walked over to another couch and threw me onto it. He was about to sit down beside me but when he threw me onto the couch he was leaning over me and I couldn't help myself.
I grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled his mouth to mine. As we were kissing, I felt him slowly push me back so I was laying on the couch. His legs were on either side of mine and he was leaning on his forearms that were on either side of my head still kissing me.
I moved my arms under his arms on his back and pulled his body against mine. I kissed him harder, I didn't want to stop. I moved my hands down his back and he smiled against my lips. My hands slowly crept under neath his shirt. His skin was soft and warm.
He slowly moved his kisses down to my neck and I let out a small sigh. He met my eyes before quickly kissing me again. We were quickly interrupted by Farley jumping on Chris's back making us both laugh.
"Farley!" I said laughing. She had curled up in a ball on his back getting ready to sleep there.
"She's a special dog." Chris said trying not to smile.
"Yeah. Drift is too." We both looked over at Drift who was laying upside down with his tongue hanging out his mouth. "He looks just like his owner."
"Uh, excuse me?" We both laughed but he cut me off by kissing me one more time before pulling Farley off his back. He sat up straight and Farley curled up in his lap.
"She loves me." He said joking a bit.
"Just like her owner."
We both stared into each other's eyes, smiling for a few minutes not saying anything. Eventually I broke the science.
"I'm gonna go make popcorn."
"Okie Dokie."

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